Tuesday, December 17, 2024




Whenever there is suspicion or evidence of acts of corruption within the judiciary, what system of accountability do we have in place to deal effectively with unscrupulous actors like venal judges, magistrates crooked lawyers, dirty police investigators like JJ and for what we are about to release to the public even the grafting prison officers?

After uncovering the corrupt machinations of judge Colin Williams in recent s bail application review for Jonathan Lehrer, we are convinced that the only way forward is for the people to take matters into their own hands and when they do so, these corrupt judges and lawyers will know that the people have had enough and are no longer going to tolerate what appears to be justice for sale and purchased by corrupt politicians. 

Jonathan Lehrer and Robert Snider both American Citizens have been charged in the gruesome murder of Canadian -Dominican Citizens Daniel Langlois and his partner Dominique Marchand.

Since judge William’s decision to grant bail conditions for Jonathan Lehrer, the defense team led by the unscrupulous lawyer and former rogue catholic priest Lennox Lawrence filed application for the review of the bail conditions. We understand that notwithstanding the fact that the bail application review was badly filed, judge Collin Williams who we know for a fact frolics with the DLP government officials was bent on curry favoring with Lennox Lawrence and his defense partner Wayne Norde. Judge Collins in a deliberate attempt to sideline the Director of Prosecution suspiciously summoned two junior lawyers from the prosecution office to his chamber. At this meeting the judge made some alarming comments and unethical requests of the junior lawyers. At one point he asks the prosecution lawyers “Why is Jonathan Lehrer still in prison ?“

Bear in mind this the sitting judge who ordered the bail conditions.

The bail conditions were not met, and the same judge is privately asking why the accused double murderer is still in prison

How dare he???.

How much more corrupt can these guys get? 

In another striking moment at that meeting, the judge brazenly inserted himself onto the defense team and offered advice to Lennox Lawrence on how the bailor Rhoda Joseph can meet the $1 Million bail bond. He recommended that the accused murderer Jonathan Lehrer transfer some of his shares from his BC North Inc directly to Rhoda Joseph. Immediately following that meeting(less than 2 hours) share certificates were done and printed. MiTC was able to get a copy of the Share Certificate. 

It must be noted also that initially the judge had proposed a bail bond amount of $10 Million and for some unexplained reason he brought it down to %1 Million – Go figure.   

In any country where the rule of law, integrity in governance and decency is a priority the bailor Rhoda Joseph who is the Executive Director of Invest Dominica should in no way be involved in facilitating bail and what could possibly end up being the escape a man accused of murdering two of that country’s most prominent investors. What message does that send to anyone interested in investing in Dominica .

This is unacceptable and so Rhoda Joseph should resign and if not, then the prime minister should dismiss her, but we know that Skerrit does not have the moral authority to do so. In fact, we know that Prime Minister Skerrit is surreptitiously involved in facilitating the release of one of his passports selling agent Jonathan Lehrer. 

Serious Breach of Security At State Prison

In the review of the Bail application Judge Williams would have known about the very disturbing event with Jonathan Lehrer and the breach of security at the State prison. We can report with absolute certainty that prison officers at the state prison found three (3)keys and 7 cell phones in the possession of a prison inmate, nickname Sawan. Sawan is a double murder convict serving a life sentence and is also awaiting trial on another murder case. Sawan was repeatedly interrogated by the CID officers and he emphatically maintained that it was Jonathan Lehrer who  provided him with the keys and the Cell Phones. Jonathan and Sawan share living space at the prison high security block. 

According to our very reliable sources within the National Security offices one key was identified as entry/exit device for the front door at the state prison, another key for the entrance to the security block that they share and another key for an exit gate. 

To Judge Collin William if you didn’t know now you know  

Notice there is no talk about bail for Jonathan Lehrer’s codefendant Robert Snider. As a reminder this is the codefendant exhibiting acid burns on his feet and lower torso so let's not ignore him at all. 

Based on our discussion with National security personnel it is highly possible that Jonathan allegedly provided the Keys and the Cell Phone to Sawan in order to facilitate the escape of his Robert Snider. The reason being,if Robert Snider disappears like the three escapees from the Alcatraz Island, the entire murder case is done, kaput, “fini bat.”  

The Looming question is – How did Jonathan Lehrer get those keys and cell phones while in state custody?  We understand Rayburn Blackmore’s deepest resentment for MassInThe cemetery (MiTC) who exposed his lead role in the Baby Sarah Tragedy however we expect Mr. Blackmore to put aside his personal feeling towards us at MiTC and take this reporting seriously. The police should not only question Double murder convict Sawan they need to interrogate the lawyers, prison officers and even high-ranking government officials.

For whatever this is worth Mr. Blackmore (and this is as credible as the Baby Sarah tale), A few months ago we reported that PM Skerrit’s permanent Secretary Missy Henderson had provided some directives to certain prison officers to allow free access to Jonathan Lehrer’s friends and associates.  

Let us not forget that when Ian Douglas was Attorney General he too was directly involved in facilitating the escape of a prisoner from Zicack Portsmouth. Up to now No effort was made to have that escapee extradited and instead Ian, Nanthan , Skerrit and others would hang out in New York with this escapee child molester and rapist. I digress because I am still Furios that there was no justice for this underage disable child.   

Mr. Rayburn Blackmore you proclaim to be serious about keeping Jonathan Lehrer incarcerated until his murder case is adjudicated in the court of law, we challenge you sir to act decisively in the interest of law and order and let the chips fall where they should. 

The impact of corruption is far-reaching. Judicial corruption and interference from political elites in particular is detrimental to the rule of law and the core principles of equality, impartiality, integrity and propriety. It is therefore very important that we the people of the Eastern Caribbean demand Judicial independence and insure that the judges are protected from clutches of political interest, bad acting business individuals and unscrupulous lawyers.

After reading the Eastern Caribbean court decision (September 2018 Claim No. DOMHCV2018/0009 one has to wonder why Lennox Lawrence for example is still a practicing attorney and to even think that this disgusting former priest can influence any sitting Eastern Caribbean judge should be terrifying.




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