Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Skerrit: A Fraud Magnet

Kenneth Darroux signs for the Dominica government while Collin McIntyre looks on.

Dominica's Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit continues to prove to us that he is a master at attracting into his circle, fraudsters and criminals from around the world. Mr. Skerrit is presently under fire for awarding an $18 million no-bid contract to a Barbadian company, NSG Management & Technical Services, for the construction of a bridge over the Roseau River. Reputable engineering firms are on record disputing the cost of this bridge; simply put, it is over-priced. Furthermore, NSG is primarily a supply chain company with a consulting arm, and it has no record of constructing anything, not even a pig pen. Why would Mr. Skerrit award such a large contract to a firm with no construction experience? We smell fraud, which is business-as-usual for Mr. Skerrit.

When we lay the claim that Mr. Skerrit attracts fraudsters to himself the way bats flock to darkness, this is no joke. Last December, Mr. Skerrit's government signed an agreement with a Chinese construction firm, ostensibly to build the new hospital that he has been promising since 2004. The agreement was signed with Hunan Construction Engineering Group from the Furong District, Hunan Province in China. But who is Hunan Construction and how did Mr. Skerrit get to choose this company? The how we may find out someday, but we can report to you that Hunan Construction has been banned by the World Bank from receiving any World Bank-financed contracts due to fraud and corruption. The company is listed on the World Bank's website which states that the company is ineligible for the period January 2016 to January 2019, when another assessment of the company would most certainly be done.


The company was first sanctioned in 2013 and remains on the list to this date. The specific allegations in that case relate to fraudulent documents the company presented on a Tanzania project.


Mr. Skerrit has proven time and time again that there is not an honest bone in his body. He has hoodwinked Dominicans into believing otherwise, but the evidence of his snatch-and-grab exploits have been laid bare for all to see; the Villas at Savanne Paille, under-valued land deals, million-dollar mansion adorned with expensive Italian marble, front companies in the United Kingdom under his child mother's name, bogus companies in Malaysia. And the list goes on.

We are convinced that Mr. Skerrit has enveloped Dominicans into what can be best described as a "sadomasochistic" relationship. Mr. Skerrit, the sadist, continues to inflict severe pain and suffering on the Dominican population and, being the masochists that they appear to be, Dominicans appear to be taking pleasure in the pain while adoring their abuser. Pathological behavior, that's what this is. Amazing. 

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