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Natasha Gardier- A Real Mother In Pain |
The photo and video of Natasha Gardier standing for justice with no other support but just her two small kids at the Douglas Charles Airport are a stack reminder of how morally depraved we have become as a country. Natasha Gardies is the mother of the victim who was allegedly gang raped by teachers at the St John’s Academy in Portsmouth. Court documents to include a December 2020 bench warrant for arrest which have recently vanished (in DLP Zagi Moozailles fashion) from the court of law.
MiTC understand that even with those allegations against the young pilot The Discover Dominica government department was audaciously planning to use that young pilot’s image on their Discovery Dominica advertisements. Papa Bondieur doh tell me they didn’t know!!!!
Why should anyone in a civilized society be hailed a hero for demanding justice, let alone for a child or children. With the present situation in Dominica one where the Dominica Labor Party (DLP) has instituted a Fear-Based governing system, we think that it is very much appropriate to commend Miss Natasha Gardier for such a daring act-standing at the airport to rain on a DLP parade and demand justice for her son. We can all agree that there are very few people in Dominica brave enough to do what Natasha has done.
For several years Natasha Gardier had been seeking justice through the court system in Dominica. Although her pursuits had been deliberately stymied, she knew that the matter was ongoing but suddenly on the week before the inaugural flight and the return of the alleged assailant the court has no records of the case involving allegations of rape and sodomizing of her son.
Talking to people from the town of Portsmouth, DLP supporters alike they all say that they would be surprised if Natasha didn’t receive subliminal threats from DLP operatives and even forbidding her from speaking out. According to one DLP supporter who said " whenever I speak out ,I myself receive calls warning me about embarrassing the government.” When asked if he care to name who these threats came from, he simply stated – “All of them millionaire fellas around – you know them Fellas my brother “The fear and intimidation is real.
From our brief interaction with the people in Portsmouth on this matter we also learn that Natasha is an active member of a Portsmouth DLP group involving the Mayor Kerry Breedy. They organize activities in Portsmouth for the DLP yet not one of the members of her DLP organizing group stood with her or show solidarity.
Watching Natasha with just her two young kids at the airport demanding justice for her elder son was heart wrenching but there are valuable lessons to learn. Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere and I sincerely hope that Natasha and other DLP followers will come to the realization that this current DLP cult don’t give a dam about them. They will sell their very own just to be in power.
Natasha's ordeal is also a reminder that it is not the words of United Workers Party or any other political opposition but the silence of her friends in such a time of personal crisis and most tragically the silence of the good people in civic society - the pastors, priests, teachers in her community. Those who know darn well what happen to Natasha’s son at the St John’s Academy. It was a huge scandal in the town of Portsmouth and now suddenly those hypocrites have convenient amnesia.
One thing for sure-those who have given up their principle for Political Party in Dominica are plentiful. Some of them are considered passive but Martin-Luther-King-Jr reminded us that “those who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as those who help to perpetrate it.” He also says, “he who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”
Those who says "I am a Christian me I not in politics nuh" We will be exposing you all for 2025. Lay Ban Pokwit Qui zor ye
We have also seen the insensitivity among us from party supporters and otherwise. We were horrified by online comments made by Tika Jude. In an engagement on Facebook she told Natasha Gardier, the mother of the victim that she saw court documents and witness statement suggesting that there was no rape or sodomy allegations and no evidence of trauma in medical reports. In other online engagements Tika Jude even offered to provide copies of statement taken by the police.
We have since learned that Tika Jude is an Immigration Attorney in Florida. Can you imagine how painful that must have been for Natasha Gardier having someone telling her that her son was not assaulted after enduring such pain, trauma and even psychiatric treatment.
Tika G Jude has since deleted her comments, but we were sent a screenshot of one of her engagements with Natasha Gardier. We suspect though that Tika G Jude may not have known that she was talking to the mother of the victim.
MiTC has been informed that sometime around the Covid 19 period the accused young pilot allegedly had been arrested by ICE and placed in a detention center after he was red flagged at an immigration interview. We understand that the red flag may been triggered by the court matter and the resulting bench warrant for his arrest in Dominica.
With the immigration lawyer stating that she has copies of witness statement showing that there was no assault, it is fitting to ask whether or not she represented the young pilot in his immigration matter. MiTC has no evidence to suggest that she did.
Where is The Church and The Chistian Soldiers Matching For Christ?
Martin Luther King who was also preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ also said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
Those who take cover behind Christianity to avoid any discussion involving politics, corruption and injustice should know that Jesus had a lot of acid things to say about the political elites, their corruption and crooked leadership in Judea. He did not shy away from criticizing The Sadducees who sucked up to Rome for personal gain, the Pharisees who wanted ultimate control, the Zealots who wanted their military dominance and the Essences who were the hippies of the time. According to the bible teachings John the Baptist who preceded Jesus (Matt. 3:7) referred to the Sadducees as (“a brood of venomous snakes” Jesus referred to them as “evil cheaters” (Matt. 16:1–5). Jesus called the Scribes and the Pharisees, “children of hell” (Matt. 23:15).
Throughout his entire ministry on earth Jesus called out blatant corruption and injustice. He promised that the kingdom of God will be characterized by justice and that those who oppress the poor and brew corruption and violence will be held accountable.
In a time when government officials have clearly conspired to deny Natasha Gardier justice for her son and at the same time connivingly persecuting Lennox Linton , Dr Thomson Fountain and Mr. Edison James on bogus charges, those holier than thou who deliberately avoid these matters of blatant corruption and injustice and yet profess Christianity are essentially more dangerous than those brood of venomous snakes and evil cheaters perpetuating such ill will. Yes we are referring to the diabolic politicians, corrupt police, judges, crooked lawyers in Dominica.
The ultimate principle espoused by Jesus himself is to love thy neighbor which is in fact a superlative command to demonstrate concern for those who suffer victimization, corruption, exploitation and injustice. If according to Christian teaching, there is accountability for those who don’t respond to their neighbors plight then MLK is right when he says, “The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.”
With the level of questionable behavior by Rhoda Joseph involving the alleged killer Jonathan Lehrer’s bail application, Mehul Choksi Kidnapping, political persecution, missing CBI funds, exploitation of the poor and after watching and listening to Natasha Gardier, mother of a victim or rape and sodomy, a DLP supporter begging her very own colleagues for justice for her son – Tell me we are not in a time of moral crisis !!!!!
MiTC wish to make the following corrections to this article.
We wish to withdraw statements made in this article suggesting that Tika G Jude is associated with the DLP and Flashy Claudie.
We also want to withdraw statement suggesting that Tika G Jude received fraudulent documents. According to Tika's Facebook postings herself she saw court documents, witness statement and has copies of these documents showing that there was no rape or sodomy allegation. A copy of the statement was attached to the original article. We do apologize for any misunderstanding.