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Sunday, February 16, 2025



Natasha Gardier- A Real Mother In Pain

The photo and video of Natasha Gardier standing for justice with no other support but just her two small kids at the Douglas Charles Airport are a stack reminder of how morally depraved we have become as a country. Natasha Gardies is the mother of the victim who was allegedly gang raped by teachers at the St John’s Academy in Portsmouth. Court documents to include a December 2020 bench warrant for arrest which have recently vanished (in DLP Zagi Moozailles fashion) from the court of law.

MiTC understand that even with those allegations against the young pilot The Discover Dominica government department was audaciously planning to use that young pilot’s image on their Discovery Dominica advertisements. Papa Bondieur doh tell me they didn’t know!!!!

Why should anyone in a civilized society be hailed a hero for demanding justice, let alone for a child or children. With the present situation in Dominica one where the Dominica Labor Party (DLP) has instituted a Fear-Based governing system, we think that it is very much appropriate to commend Miss Natasha Gardier for such a daring act-standing at the airport to rain on a DLP parade and demand justice for her son. We can all agree that there are very few people in Dominica brave enough to do what Natasha has done. 

For several years Natasha Gardier had been seeking justice through the court system in Dominica. Although her pursuits had been deliberately stymied, she knew that the matter was ongoing but suddenly on the week before the inaugural flight and the return of the alleged assailant the court has no records of the case involving allegations of rape and sodomizing of her son.   

Talking to people from the town of Portsmouth, DLP supporters alike they all say that they would be surprised if Natasha didn’t receive subliminal threats from DLP operatives and even  forbidding her from speaking out. According to one DLP supporter who said " whenever I speak out ,I myself receive calls warning me about embarrassing the government.” When asked if he care to name who these threats came from, he simply stated – “All of them millionaire fellas around – you know them Fellas my brother “The fear and intimidation is real.

From our brief interaction with the people in Portsmouth on this matter we also learn that Natasha is an active member of a Portsmouth DLP group involving the Mayor Kerry Breedy. They organize activities in Portsmouth for the DLP yet not one of the members of her DLP organizing group stood with her or show solidarity. 

Watching Natasha with just her two young kids at the airport demanding justice for her elder son was heart wrenching but there are valuable lessons to learn. Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere and I sincerely hope that Natasha and other DLP followers will come to the realization that this current DLP cult don’t give a dam about them. They will sell their very own just to be in power.

Natasha's ordeal is also a reminder that it is not the words of United Workers Party or any other political opposition but the silence of her friends in such a time of personal crisis and most tragically the silence of the good people in civic society - the pastors, priests, teachers in her community. Those who know darn well what happen to Natasha’s son at the St John’s Academy. It was a huge scandal in the town of Portsmouth and now suddenly those hypocrites have convenient amnesia.

One thing for sure-those who have given up their principle for Political Party in Dominica are plentiful. Some of them are considered passive but Martin-Luther-King-Jr reminded us that “those who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as those who help to perpetrate it.”  He also says, “he who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” 

Those who says "I am a Christian me I not in politics nuh" We will be exposing you all for 2025. Lay Ban Pokwit Qui zor ye 

We have also seen the insensitivity among us from party supporters and otherwise.  We were horrified by online comments made by Tika Jude. In an engagement on Facebook she told Natasha Gardier, the mother of the victim that she saw court documents and witness statement suggesting that there was no rape or sodomy allegations and no evidence of trauma in medical reports. In other online engagements Tika  Jude even offered to provide copies of statement taken by the police. 

We have since learned that Tika Jude is an Immigration Attorney in Florida.  Can you imagine how painful that must have been for Natasha Gardier having  someone telling her that her son was not assaulted after enduring such pain, trauma and even psychiatric treatment. 

Tika G Jude has since deleted her comments, but we were sent a screenshot of one of her engagements with Natasha Gardier. We suspect though that Tika G Jude may not have known that she was talking to the mother of the victim.

MiTC has been informed that sometime around the Covid 19 period the accused young pilot allegedly had been arrested by ICE and placed in a detention center after he was red flagged at an immigration interview. We understand that the red flag may been triggered by the court matter and the resulting bench warrant for his arrest in Dominica.

With the immigration lawyer stating that she has copies of witness statement showing that there was no assault, it is fitting to ask whether or not she represented the young pilot in his immigration matter. MiTC has no evidence to suggest that she did. 

Where is The Church and The Chistian Soldiers Matching For Christ?

Martin Luther King who was also preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ also said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.  

Those who take cover behind Christianity to avoid any discussion involving politics, corruption and injustice should know that Jesus had a lot of acid things to say about the political elites, their corruption and crooked leadership in Judea. He did not shy away from criticizing The Sadducees who sucked up to Rome for personal gain, the Pharisees who wanted ultimate control, the Zealots who wanted their military dominance and the Essences who were the hippies of the time. According to the bible teachings John the Baptist who preceded Jesus (Matt. 3:7) referred to the Sadducees as (“a brood of venomous snakes Jesus referred to them as “evil cheaters” (Matt. 16:1–5).   Jesus called the Scribes and the Pharisees, “children of hell” (Matt. 23:15). 

Throughout his entire ministry on earth Jesus called out blatant corruption and injustice. He promised that the kingdom of God will be characterized by justice and that those who oppress the poor and brew corruption and violence will be held accountable.

In a time when government officials have clearly conspired to deny Natasha Gardier justice for her son and at the same time connivingly persecuting Lennox Linton , Dr Thomson Fountain and Mr. Edison James on bogus charges, those holier than thou who deliberately avoid these matters of blatant  corruption and injustice and yet profess Christianity are essentially more dangerous than those brood of venomous snakes and evil cheaters perpetuating such ill will. Yes we are referring to the diabolic politicians, corrupt police, judges, crooked lawyers in Dominica.

The ultimate principle espoused by Jesus himself is to love thy neighbor which is in fact a superlative command to demonstrate concern for those who suffer victimization, corruption, exploitation and injustice. If according to Christian teaching, there is accountability for those who don’t respond to their neighbors plight then MLK is right when he says, “The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.”  

With the level of questionable behavior by Rhoda Joseph involving the alleged killer Jonathan Lehrer’s bail application, Mehul Choksi Kidnapping, political persecution, missing CBI funds, exploitation of the poor and after watching and listening to Natasha Gardier, mother of a victim or rape and sodomy, a DLP supporter begging her very own colleagues for justice for her son – Tell me we are not in a time of moral crisis !!!!!

MiTC wish to make the following corrections to this article.

We wish to withdraw statements made in this article suggesting that Tika G Jude is associated with the DLP and Flashy Claudie. 

We also want to withdraw statement suggesting that Tika G Jude received fraudulent documents. According to Tika's Facebook postings herself she saw court documents, witness statement and has copies of these documents showing that there was no rape or sodomy allegation.  A copy of the statement was attached to the original article. We do apologize for any misunderstanding.   




Sunday, January 12, 2025


A Victim of Skerritt's Lies-  David Maximea 
CLOWN SKRET- THE MENACE -Photo by Dominique Pires


I don’t know David Maximea and I am not a betting person but from the information reaching MiTC info box I am willing to bet today that David Maximea is not a Labor Party sympathizer or a Skerrit ass kisser. Guaranteed by the constitution, Mr. Maximea just like Cleville Mills and Ian Pinard is free to support whatever political group that he chooses. 

Since the calamitous opening of the school term at the Dominica Grammar School (DGS) and PM Skerrit’s meeting with some teachers from the DGS the Ministry of Education had been ordered by PM Skerrit to demote senior education officer Mr. David Maximea. MiTC can confirm that a Skerrit adulator Robert Guiste has ask Mr. David Maximea to step down from the position of senior Education officer.

On two occasions during that meeting between the PM Skerrit and the DGS teachers, Skerrit questioned why Mr David Maximea was not present at that meeting and like a menacing clown on two other occasions he also uttered the words “ he (Mr Maximea)  should be fired”

Details surrounding the Tumultuous opening of the school term at the DGS indicate that the facilities designated for the accommodation of the wandering student and teachers were severely deficient. Not having the resources to have adequate facilities for the DGS student and staff clearly point to a government administration that is not just  lost at sea but also one that is severely shipwrecked.

 I am not sure how much culpability that a senior education officer should assume in such matter involving the proper accomodation for teachers and students but my willingness to bet that had Mr David Maximea been a Skerrit ass kisser he would not have been blamed ,still be in his position of senior education officer and even more the PM Skerrit himself would never publicly nor privately ask for him to be fired.

There is a plethora of evidence to support the fact that Skerrit's  party supporters, members, bootlickers are never held responsible for any screw-up, crimes included. For example Skerrit's creep "Hungry Meals" did not get fired for steal-sweeping US$16000 at the Melleville Hall airport -he was instead promoted (Dam Tiff) ; The Parliamentary Representative for the Calibishie Constituency is yet to be disciplined after getting caught on camera shoplifting at Jollys Pharmacy; Rayburne Blackmore is yet to account for Baby Sarah’s death and the battering of Baby Sarah’s mom; Look who just got promoted to head of Dominica Port authority – a pedophile. Mrs X is yet to be held accountable for her misconduct at the home for the abandoned kids- Chances Institution; Police hierarchies Corbette and Valerie are yet to account for their participation in the Choksi kidnapping plot. The disappearance of public funds at local government offices , village councils is rampant and well known by the prime minister. Levi Peter hijacking over $250,000 worth of building material to build his house in Buck Portsmouth went unpunished. 

The MiTC editors have ask us to keep it short because the list of thieveries and other of felonious acts by the prime minister himself, his ministers of government past and present, party supporters at all levels of the civil service and statutory board members is plentiful and could take all day. However, we would like to expose one disturbing situation at the Portsmouth Secondary School - One that the minister and her Ministry of Education would like to keep under wraps.

Information reaching our comment box indicate that the Portsmouth Secondary School currently does not have a principal. The gentleman who held the position who is a hardcore Labor Party supporter and pal of the Minister of Education , we understand that he went missing after he allegedly could not account for close to $100, 000 of the school funds. Credible sources in our comments box indicate that the gentleman allegedly has a gambling problem, and the alleged misappropriation of School funds is not his first rodeo at all. We learn that he allegedly did the same at another school before he was transferred to the Portsmouth Secondary School and the “Shake Your Pampalam” minister is fully aware of the gentleman’s behavior.

While I am still willing to bet – two passports, that Skerrit and “Shake Your Pampalam” minister will simply provide a lateral accommodation for the MIA principal of the Portsmouth Secondary School.

Although we have always taken the hardline position of naming and shaming all criminal actors associated with the Skerrit cult this time we choose not to include a photo of the MIA principal of the Portsmouth Secondary school. We understand compulsive gambling to be a serious problem that sometimes require professional treatment.

A leader who refuses to take responsibility creates no path for positive changes. Corrupt leaders not only steal and laundered money they destroy trust, justice, and the welfare of societies.


Friday, January 10, 2025



Where is The Health Minister Kassiani Laville?

 In response to Skerrit’s blatant lies about the healthcare system some people are asking why we are hearing from the shameless pathologic liar instead of the healthcare minister Kassani Laville. It may be that the healthcare minister is not so much as a boldface liar as PM Skerrit so he would rather remain muted.

One thing for sure is that the health minister is fully aware of the dilapidated healthcare system, but he is way too focused on other government operations that have nothing to do with his portfolio. 

Minister Kassani Laville is fully aware of situations where doctors at the hospital have had to wait anxiously for one baby with a hospital infection to expire so that the staff can quickly retrieve the one and only respirator from that dying baby in order to try saving the life of another hospital infected baby.

Before becoming the wealth-thirsty egomaniacal actor in Skerrit’s cesspool of crime and corruption, Kassani Laville and his immediate family suffered at the hands of the same healthcare system so much so that Kassani himself had taken legal action against the very government healthcare system. He has since dropped the matter. 

Like others before him in the Skerrit crime syndicate, Kassani has found his niche. For example, Blackmore who we see looking frail yet spotting a gold trim Rolex Daytona -price range US $40,000 he heads the immigration visa racketeering division- the IPO should ask him about that watch; Austrie leads the Petro Caribe money laundering division; Vince Henderson Geothermal scam department; The McIntyre’s niche is attached to Skerrit’s CBI and Diplomatic passport racketeering operation.

In the advent of Signal Band’s “What’s Going On Here “we got more info in our Comment Box” that Kassani Laville instead of working to make our healthcare system half descent he is involved in facilitating Chinese Tofu-Dreg construction at the airport project. Tofu-dreg project is a phrase used in the Chinese-speaking world to describe sub-standard construction -like that of the apartment buildings, the hospital ,state house, stadium , roadway  in Dominica. 

 According to more info in our comment box, fully experience and qualified design engineers reviewing design packages on the airport project have rejected several structural designs submittals by the Chinese contractor at the airport project. After having stamp those design packages as unacceptable and even irresponsible the Chinese contractor is still proceeding with construction of those packages on the instruction of -guess who? -The minister of Healthcare Kasani Laville acting. through his company CoriSav Inc.

CoriSav Inc is currently providing “Quality Control “services on the airport project and from all indication the company operation is really Kassani Laville assisted by his unqualified brother. Kassani Laville has a civil engineering degree but that does not make him a qualified structural engineer. Just as he has no business prescribing paracetamol at the hospital Kassani has no business signing off on failed retaining wall design packages or any other structural engineering design submittal, particularly on a project of such magnitude.

The extent of Kassani Laville’s involvement in Quality Control on that project is uncertain to us at this but with the level of government corruption, Kassani’s wealth-thirsty ego and the well suited reckless Chinese Tofu Dreg construction practices we won’t be surprised that the health minister is signing off on the airport design packages involving electrical, mechanical, aviation engineering, HVAC, communication, telemetry, plumbing and more.

Most of us who have lived long enough to make that contrast will agree that the healthcare system is lacking in Dominica and is really a shadow of what it once was under previous government administrations but the pathetic and shameless liar that he is, PM Skerrit presents the atrocious healthcare system that he has lauded over for 20 plus years, as one of the best in the region.

With no facts to back it up Skerrit said that people from the Virgin Islands and other parts of the Caribbean are coming to Dominica for healthcare. The undeniable fact is that the people of Dominica have no confidence in our healthcare services. Even PM Skerrit and his wife Melissa refuse to have their babies birthed under the very same healthcare services in Dominica. Note though that many people have suggested that the decision to have their kids born in America as opposed to Dominica is also because of their “affluenza” -they both believe that Dominica’s passport and citizenship is not good enough for their kids even as they indiscriminately peddle Dominica’s passport and citizenship all over the world.  

 A man who believes his own lies is a very dangerous clown and more so the lies that Skerrit continue to proffer have proven to be harmful to the health, life and safety of our citizens.

You can’t construct a bridge, a building, retaining structures on false measurements or false quality Control qualifications.  So too Sustainable businesses can’t be built of forged and fictitious data (if you think ah lie Kempinski, Layou River, Morocco, Anichi hotel construction just to name a few). More importantly we can’t develop a sustainable country and economy with a good healthcare system in Dominica when political figures in position of top influence are lying on a gargantuan scale.

What does it matter at this point – do the people still believe that dimples are what matters or is it now his hair?


Tuesday, December 17, 2024




Whenever there is suspicion or evidence of acts of corruption within the judiciary, what system of accountability do we have in place to deal effectively with unscrupulous actors like venal judges, magistrates crooked lawyers, dirty police investigators like JJ and for what we are about to release to the public even the grafting prison officers?

After uncovering the corrupt machinations of judge Colin Williams in recent s bail application review for Jonathan Lehrer, we are convinced that the only way forward is for the people to take matters into their own hands and when they do so, these corrupt judges and lawyers will know that the people have had enough and are no longer going to tolerate what appears to be justice for sale and purchased by corrupt politicians. 

Jonathan Lehrer and Robert Snider both American Citizens have been charged in the gruesome murder of Canadian -Dominican Citizens Daniel Langlois and his partner Dominique Marchand.

Since judge William’s decision to grant bail conditions for Jonathan Lehrer, the defense team led by the unscrupulous lawyer and former rogue catholic priest Lennox Lawrence filed application for the review of the bail conditions. We understand that notwithstanding the fact that the bail application review was badly filed, judge Collin Williams who we know for a fact frolics with the DLP government officials was bent on curry favoring with Lennox Lawrence and his defense partner Wayne Norde. Judge Collins in a deliberate attempt to sideline the Director of Prosecution suspiciously summoned two junior lawyers from the prosecution office to his chamber. At this meeting the judge made some alarming comments and unethical requests of the junior lawyers. At one point he asks the prosecution lawyers “Why is Jonathan Lehrer still in prison ?“

Bear in mind this the sitting judge who ordered the bail conditions.

The bail conditions were not met, and the same judge is privately asking why the accused double murderer is still in prison

How dare he???.

How much more corrupt can these guys get? 

In another striking moment at that meeting, the judge brazenly inserted himself onto the defense team and offered advice to Lennox Lawrence on how the bailor Rhoda Joseph can meet the $1 Million bail bond. He recommended that the accused murderer Jonathan Lehrer transfer some of his shares from his BC North Inc directly to Rhoda Joseph. Immediately following that meeting(less than 2 hours) share certificates were done and printed. MiTC was able to get a copy of the Share Certificate. 

It must be noted also that initially the judge had proposed a bail bond amount of $10 Million and for some unexplained reason he brought it down to %1 Million – Go figure.   

In any country where the rule of law, integrity in governance and decency is a priority the bailor Rhoda Joseph who is the Executive Director of Invest Dominica should in no way be involved in facilitating bail and what could possibly end up being the escape a man accused of murdering two of that country’s most prominent investors. What message does that send to anyone interested in investing in Dominica .

This is unacceptable and so Rhoda Joseph should resign and if not, then the prime minister should dismiss her, but we know that Skerrit does not have the moral authority to do so. In fact, we know that Prime Minister Skerrit is surreptitiously involved in facilitating the release of one of his passports selling agent Jonathan Lehrer. 

Serious Breach of Security At State Prison

In the review of the Bail application Judge Williams would have known about the very disturbing event with Jonathan Lehrer and the breach of security at the State prison. We can report with absolute certainty that prison officers at the state prison found three (3)keys and 7 cell phones in the possession of a prison inmate, nickname Sawan. Sawan is a double murder convict serving a life sentence and is also awaiting trial on another murder case. Sawan was repeatedly interrogated by the CID officers and he emphatically maintained that it was Jonathan Lehrer who  provided him with the keys and the Cell Phones. Jonathan and Sawan share living space at the prison high security block. 

According to our very reliable sources within the National Security offices one key was identified as entry/exit device for the front door at the state prison, another key for the entrance to the security block that they share and another key for an exit gate. 

To Judge Collin William if you didn’t know now you know  

Notice there is no talk about bail for Jonathan Lehrer’s codefendant Robert Snider. As a reminder this is the codefendant exhibiting acid burns on his feet and lower torso so let's not ignore him at all. 

Based on our discussion with National security personnel it is highly possible that Jonathan allegedly provided the Keys and the Cell Phone to Sawan in order to facilitate the escape of his Robert Snider. The reason being,if Robert Snider disappears like the three escapees from the Alcatraz Island, the entire murder case is done, kaput, “fini bat.”  

The Looming question is – How did Jonathan Lehrer get those keys and cell phones while in state custody?  We understand Rayburn Blackmore’s deepest resentment for MassInThe cemetery (MiTC) who exposed his lead role in the Baby Sarah Tragedy however we expect Mr. Blackmore to put aside his personal feeling towards us at MiTC and take this reporting seriously. The police should not only question Double murder convict Sawan they need to interrogate the lawyers, prison officers and even high-ranking government officials.

For whatever this is worth Mr. Blackmore (and this is as credible as the Baby Sarah tale), A few months ago we reported that PM Skerrit’s permanent Secretary Missy Henderson had provided some directives to certain prison officers to allow free access to Jonathan Lehrer’s friends and associates.  

Let us not forget that when Ian Douglas was Attorney General he too was directly involved in facilitating the escape of a prisoner from Zicack Portsmouth. Up to now No effort was made to have that escapee extradited and instead Ian, Nanthan , Skerrit and others would hang out in New York with this escapee child molester and rapist. I digress because I am still Furios that there was no justice for this underage disable child.   

Mr. Rayburn Blackmore you proclaim to be serious about keeping Jonathan Lehrer incarcerated until his murder case is adjudicated in the court of law, we challenge you sir to act decisively in the interest of law and order and let the chips fall where they should. 

The impact of corruption is far-reaching. Judicial corruption and interference from political elites in particular is detrimental to the rule of law and the core principles of equality, impartiality, integrity and propriety. It is therefore very important that we the people of the Eastern Caribbean demand Judicial independence and insure that the judges are protected from clutches of political interest, bad acting business individuals and unscrupulous lawyers.

After reading the Eastern Caribbean court decision (September 2018 Claim No. DOMHCV2018/0009 one has to wonder why Lennox Lawrence for example is still a practicing attorney and to even think that this disgusting former priest can influence any sitting Eastern Caribbean judge should be terrifying.




Friday, November 29, 2024



Volunteer Scapegoat-Missi Henderson

In our cult like and tribalistic political environment in Dominica, it is laudable that Simeon Joseph a product of the true Dominica Labor Party can relentlessly put himself out to speak out against the misconduct and bad governance of the current Dominica Labor Party. Mr. Simeon Joseph is indeed a gem and a tremendous asset in the battle to rescue our country from the clutches of a ruthless tyrant. In order to rebuild and reeducate the younger generation on the responsibility and functionality of elected officials in a democracy we are definitely going to need the talent and experience of Mr. Simeone Joseph. Kudos to you sir.

I must however disagree with a statement made by Mr. Simeone Joseph regarding the School Ride -Gate on Matt’s morning radio show, the Hot Seat. We have dubbed Skerrit’s request for the $185,000 vehicle for his Prince and Princess of Zamunda as the School Ride -Gate. I thought it was somewhat naïve of Simeone Joseph to think that Roosevelt Skerrit is humble just enough to offer a mea culpa. 

Simeone suggested that it would have been much better if Skerrit and Irvin McIntyre had offered a public apology for the blatant abuse and misuse of public funds instead of the sham Memos between he Skerrit and his permanent Secretary Missi Henderson. Stick a Pin in there - we have something to expose on that. 

For 24 years Mr. Skerrit has been committing flagrant atrocities against the public interest and has yet to apologize for any. Let us name just a few  of these atrocities in which Mr. Skerrit was caught Red-handed -The Betrayal of Pierre Charles as a junior minister; The  Layou River Hotel money disappearance, NG Lap Seng saga, Madeuke, Francesco Corrello, Garbage Bin Bobol, Fertilizer Bobol, Gon Emmanuel Firebombing scandal, French Passport scandal , Diplomatic Passport selling , My Dominica Trade House embarrassment, Alireza Monfared and Oil Sanction busting operation, CBI passport money disappearance, Mehul Choksi kidnapping operation, Demand for $64000 per month rent  - the list goes on. 

It is not that Simeon Joseph is wrong. Leaders with integrity should know how to apologize when they err but frankly, it is unrealistic to expect a megalomaniac with such a resume of abuse, crime, corruption to humble himself before the very people that he has disrespected for more than two decades. In addition Roosevelt Skerrit was mad at Tony Astaphan after Astaphan finally admitted that the Garbage Bin Bobol should not have happened.

Another Plot Within the Plot.

Our ongoing investigation into the School Ride -Gate scandal has uncovered another plot to deceive the people. The details indicate how very little Skerrit and cohorts think of the people of Dominica- they think that the people are stupid and absolutely subservient. We can confirm with 1000% confidence that, that letter by Roosevelt Skerrit and posted at the top of this article ,was written after MiTC released information regarding the purchase of the KiA Sorento but it gets worse. That letter together with the one purportedly written by the minister of finance, Irvin McIntyre, were not leaked by any whistle blower within the ministry at all. MiTC can confirm with another 1000% confidence that both letters were sent out for virality by Roosevelt Skerrit and his coconspirators Missi Henderson and Irvin McIntyre. The obvious intent- to suppress public anger and sow deception. 

We know of the strategic meetings where Missi Henderson agreed to be scapegoated as is evident in the Memorandum from the Prime Minister. In the crafting of that Memorandum Missi Henderson during that meeting agreed to avow to Skerrit's statement of denial. The Memo states " let the record show that at no time did I ask for any vehicle which shall be used for the transportation of my children under any circumstances" Missi Henderson, we challenge you to deny our report- How do you look yourself in the mirror.  

To Irvin McIntyre - People say that you are a good guy but then again it is said that if you want to test the character of a man - give him power and he will show you exactly who he is  

Tyrants have one common goal and that is to maintain power by any cost. While we are waiting for the shadows to appear, a megalomaniacal tyrant who is addicted to power and riches is already standing on our necks. He is assisted by those who trade their support for patronage: access to power, kickbacks, and the economic spoils of the state- Missi henderson, Irvin McIntyre, Valerie, JJ  just to name a few. 

There is an old adage attributed to an oxford scholar; It says “Never apologize, never explain” and this is often the mantra of tyrants. Skerrit has demonstrated time after that he owe us no explanation and has already publicly stated “all they can do is talk, talk talk.”

Now more than ever, we need to "Act Act Act and do so fearlessly. The decision to send the sham letters out for virality is a sign of a coward who spend every moment of his life plagued by the fear of losing everything.  He can pay a $190,000 for a Kia Sorento just to attempt to hide another atrocity but no money can pay to dispel the daily torment and fear that all tyrannical leaders endure.

“Tyrants Never apologize They Simply Fall “and fall you will Skerrit.




In our last blog we revealed some details regarding PM Skerrit’s personal acquisition of the Brand-New Kia Sorento (2024). Since then, we are even more convinced that the purchase of this vehicle served as a means to detract from the scandal involving Skerrit’s demand for an exclusive vehicle to take his kids to school. Let’s call it School Ride -Gate). Following yesterday’s disclosure MiTC investigators went ahead in search of more information on that Kia Sorento and we were able to come up with some added details which the people of Dominica deserve to know about.

Upon further investigation we discovered the Black SUV Kia Sorento Vehicle Registration number PA 3417. We were also able to locate the vehicle which is now parked at the Police Headquarters.  

Here is a question to consider- Why is Skerrit’s personal vehicle being parked at the police Headquarters?   Why not at one of his mansions in Morne Daniel?

As we have reported, on Monday November 25 PM Skerrit quite interestingly waited for the end of the work day to go over to the traffic department to have the vehicle registered in his name.  That meant that he powered his way into having the traffic officers stay after working hours just to have the vehicle registered on that particular date. Note that this condescending letter denying his involvement in the School Ride-Gate was dated November 25. In this letter he states “I have proceeded to purchase a personal vehicle which shall be used to transport my children to and from school.” The more they cover-up is the more we see.  

If there is one thing that Skerrit and his goons understand very well is that it is much easier to fool a man than it is to convince him that he is being taken for a fool but just remember everyone, Skerrit supporters included ,a man becomes a fool only when he stops asking question.

Ask yourself whether you, the everyday man could go to auto trade in a hurry with $190,000 in cash to buy a vehicle and not experience Anti Money Laundering checkpoints? Everyday people experience galling stoppages and questioning for financial transactions as little as EC $8000.

Nuff Said -More to come

Thursday, November 28, 2024



For those who are familiar with PM Skerrit’s corruption scandal such as the Bin Bobol, Fertilizer Bobol, the 8 villas in Savanne Pailles and the Land Transfer scandal there is one common element in all this malfeasance and that is the “Cover up”

A cover-up by definition is “an attempt to conceal evidence of wrongdoing, error, incompetence, or other embarrassing information. The expression is usually applied to people in positions of authority who abuse power to avoid or silence criticism or to deflect guilt of wrongdoing.”

With regards to the Bin Bobol and Fertilizer Bobol after getting expose by Mo Green and Lennox Linton, Skerrit and his handlers used a few surrogates in Barbados and Antigua and some “Zazi Moozailles “money laundering schemes to return the stolen money back to the treasury.

With regards to the 8 Villas in Savanne Pailles when it was discovered that Skerrit was the owner of a $9 Million dollar Villa project less than three years after becoming prime minister, he conspired with Portsmouth businessman Renneth Alexis so that Renneth would front as the owner of the Villa complex.  You know who could give us a very good account of this sham between Skerrit and Renneth Alexis? The Plucked Chicken former magistrate who just two weeks ago received A" Jaws of Life"  economic rescue from the same Roosevelt Skerrit.

A few months ago, we reported on the action taken by Skerrit and coconspirator Collin McIntyre when the news of the Land Transfer scandal broke. While Anthony Astaphan and other Skerrit defenders were launching verbal assaults on the concern citizens, PM Skerrit and  Collin McIntyre(aka Astaphan’s korboss)  were busy trying to clean up the mess. The title to the land in question was quickly transferred to Collin McIntyre’s girlfriend, name, Eselyn Reyner.  

The recent scandal involving Skerrit’s request for a $186,000 vehicle exclusively for the purpose of driving his kids to school has turned out to be a major embarrassment and in true form the apologists like Belle Ti Cochon aka Shinning Zandoli, The Two Teeth Box Bunny Bottom Brain, Mal Twavailles Simeon Albert et al are all spinning lies and excuses for Skerrit’s criminal behavior. We have not heard from the horned Senior "clownsel"  Anthony Astaphan but as soon as he verifies Collin McIntyre’s whereabout we will soon hear from him.  

MiTC can confirm that on Monday November 25, 2024, the same day the $186,000 document was leaked, PM Skerrit supposedly rushed to purchase a brand new 2024 Kia Sorento at Auto Trade and on that same afternoon -after normal working hours, had the vehicle registered in his name.  An online search shows that a 2024 Kia Sorento would cost over $190,000 at the dealership in Canfield Dominica.

Was it a coincidence that on the same day of the leaked document that Skerrit allegedly bought and registered a vehicle in his name? Unlike the case of the infamous Jeep Wrangler he didn't even try to hide his ownership - Ask yourself why ,when he has been using surrogates to mask the acquisition of his valuable properties and real estate.

 It is noteworthy that in the case of the Jeep Wrangler he took great care in insuring that the registration documents would not identify him as the owner. The Jeep Wrangler in question was allegedly acquired through the Passport vending operation and that PM Skerrit and his wife Melissa had misrepresented the year of the vehicle in order to avoid due import duty and taxes. A little more on that Jeep Wrangler later.   

Because Skerrit has a history of trying to conceal his cache of malfeasance in government, the seemingly desultory purchase of the 2024 Kia Sorento appears to be a move to dampen the scandal and to discredit the information in the leaked document. By purchasing his own vehicle maybe, the concern about the lack of garbage pickup services, terrible healthcare, unpaid government bills, inadequate equipment for the fire department etc would be moot or that with the acquisition of his own vehicle the leak document would be validated as just another fake news article propagated by the UWP?  But alas There is no perfect cover up though, because someone in Skerrit’s crime organization should have given the grovelers, Belle Ti Cochon and Two Teeth Box Bunny a heads up before they went on Kairi Radio to spin garbage. 

But then again Belle Ti Cochon and Two Teeth Box Bunny are two former senior public servants who worked 40 years in the government service yet can't afford to buy  one tire on Skerrit's 2024 Kia Sorento yet they see nothing wrong with a politician who came into office like a "Vere Tere" (Earth Worm) , couldn't afford a tricycle and is now rich beyond measure; very likely the richest politician in the Caribbean. These two bootlickers know very well that it is impossible to become a millionaire let alone a billionaire on a public servant salary. The most dangerous human beings are those who really believe their own lies 

 “The cover-up is worse than the crime”

Attempts to obscure wrongdoing often leads to more severe consequences than the original misdeed but so far after every scandal of misconduct Skerrit continues to receive more privileges to commit more crimes in Dominica. With the ongoing construction of his second mansion in Morne Daniel, the recent expansion, remodeling and refurnishing of his Vielle Case mansion, mas acquisition of real estate property and now the seemingly cursory purchase of the 2024 Kia Sorento one would expect the systems of state responsible for checks and balances to at least do some investigation. Former prime minister Edison James was investigated when he was falsely accused of owning a hotel in Barbados. Senior "Clownsel" Antony Hornstaphan can atest to that.

Let us not forget that when it was also leaked that Skerrit had also hatched out for himself a $32000 per month allowance to rent allegedly his own mansion in Morne Daniel, instead of being contrite he arrogantly told the people that he will build another palace for himself, and so he did. The new mansion is estimated at about $20 Million

How is the Prime Minister and frankly his Cabal able to keep on accumulating so much unsubstantiated wealth?   

We understand that the three person Integrity in Public Office Commission (IPO) is really an illusory operation. One member allegedly, may be at the point of senility and we say so without malice but with sincerest sympathy. Another member as we know it must curry favor with the Skerrit administration- he too needs an economic Jaw of life from the Skerrit crime syndicate. With regards to the third member Cara Shillingford, we know by her past action that she is a true patriot and has demonstrated her readiness to act on behalf of the people as a member of the IPO but alas a pebble is not a damn in a flowing stream of moral depravity.

We there not forget that it was only because of Cara Shillingford’s action at the IPO that Skerrit and Melissa were forced to park that very same Jeep Wrangler which was allegedly obtained through the passport selling operation- the people's money.

.Evil unchecked grows, Evil tolerated poisons an entire nation

We have created a monster, and that monster is out of control; his greed is unsatiable and is increasingly unconscionable but even more this monster is showing us truly who we are and what we have become. 


Wednesday, November 13, 2024



The anecdote of the Plucked Chicken has been recounted innumerable times, yet it never gets repetitive. Why -because in life the chickens among us like Ian Douglas , Joseph Isaacs, Kapitolin , Keresa and now Tiyanni  Robert Douglas Behazin , they disgracefully present themselves for cause play in the tale of Joseph Stalin’s Pluck Chicken.

 The anecdote of the Plucked Chicken illustrates the diabolic motive of a dictator with the urge to reassure his dominance over a subjugated people.

As Marxism began to collapse in the Soviet Union, a Soviet novelist Chingiz Aitmatov retold the narrative of brutal dictator Joseph Stalin and the Plucked Chicken. He narrated that

 On one occasion, Stalin called for a live chicken and proceeded to use it to make an unforgettable point before some of his henchmen. Forcefully clutching the chicken in one hand, with the other he began to systematically pluck out its feathers. As the chicken struggled in vain to escape, he continued with the painful denuding until the bird was completely stripped. “Now you watch,” Stalin said as he placed the chicken on the floor and walked away with some bread crumbs in his hand. Incredibly, the fear-crazed chicken hobbled toward him and clung to the legs of his trousers. Stalin threw a handful of grain to the bird, and it began to follow him around the room, he turned to his dumbfounded colleagues and said quietly, “This is the way to rule the people. Did you see how that chicken followed me for food, even though I had caused it such torture? People are like that chicken. If you inflict inordinate pain on them they will follow you for food the rest of their lives.

 If someone had asked me to pick someone in Dominica to provide a lecture on the urban legend of the Plucked Chicken, Tiyanni  “Robert Douglas” Behazin would have been someone to consider but Tiyanni himself has become that denuded chicken. Alas pap bondieur Skerrit jik pwen gwen Tiyanni!!!!.

Besides claiming to be the Labor Party Prodigal Son returning to an organization that Tiyanni hinted is responsible for the death of his beloved father , the Lion Rosie Douglas.Tiyani attempt to convince the gullible among us that he volunteered to be Skerrit’s Plucked Chicken, all for the betterment of the nation. For those of us who cannot be fooled all the time we know that this is all Bull Sh**t and Tiyanni himself knows that it is all Poppycock.

It really makes no sense at all that in order to combat poverty affliction you join the very forces and architects of poverty and economic slavery. The idea that these spineless chickens (Ian Douglas, Joseph Isaacs, Kapitolin , Karessa and now Tiyanni ) must reposition themselves at the top of the trough to make life better for the struggling people of Dominica is ludicrous, asinine and insulting. This is some real Jim Jones cultish nonsense that can only be fed to the brainwashed. Everyone knows that the more parasites at the top of the trough the more detrimental it gets for the less fortunate at the bottom of the trough.

Besides getting an economic lifeline from the Skerrit crime syndicate did Joseph Isaac investiture into Skerrit’s crime ring alleviate destitution and poverty in Dominica? In fact, since then abject poverty has grown exponentially in Dominica. It is no secret that Joseph Isaac was in severe economic difficulties before getting plucked by Skerrit -he was politically persecuted, his old pickup truck, with dilapidated tires and air-filled gas tank was not road worthy, his “kwedi sa payais” legacy and failing businesses was the talk of the town. He was at the moment the perfect abused soulless  chicken for Skerrit’s "Stalinesk" demonstration.

There is much speculation that Tiyanni himself may be finding it very difficult to get by in Dominica’s grueling economic environment and that may be the reason Skerrit chose him as another chicken to be plucked. We cannot confirm those allegations regarding Tiyanni’s personal economy however there is no denying that destitution is at code red level in Dominica and that unless one gets into the inner circle of the Skerrit Kleptocracy no one is spared from the scourge of DLP economic slavery.

One thing we learn is that Skerrit repeatedly says in private that “every man has his price “ (Kapitolin can confirm that and if he says its not true – let’s just say a liar thinks everyone lies) Following Tiyanni’s come back to daddy moment in Vielle Case, Skerrit called for more battered opposition people to come eat the breadcrumbs from his hands and  we could very well see more chickens presenting themselves for Skerrit pleasure.

Let’s be real though; every man does have a price but in the words of Napoleon – how low is that man willing to state his price and which man is willing to have his dignity guard him instead of having to guard his dignity? 

In as much as we would like to dwell on the fact that dignity is a critical factor in  morality, ethics, law and politics we should really at this moment be asking HTF did we get to the point where in a moribund economy professionals on the island , lawyers included can’t even afford to repair or change their vehicle tires, pay rent and have to resort to begging family members for financial assistance?

 How did we get to such an economic depression when the country sold 11 billion dollars’ worth of passports, yet the young people cannot find economic opportunities in Dominica and have to run to St Kitts or Antigua.

How did we get there when the largest capital project in the history of our country is taking place on the island yet even the people in the immediate location of the project have become poorer- the bars and food joint owners have had to close shop due to a depressed economy. How did the people get so poor while the leader, his family friends and cronies have become vastly opulent – buying out huge chunks of Morne Daniel and elsewhere.  

Everyone sees but nobody knows why and how we got to this level poverty and humiliation in Dominica, but conventional wisdom teaches that “nothing is more destructive of human dignity than a system that demands a mute and blind obedience” A man’s dignity lies in his ability to stake his claim and assert his worthiness of the best and so no one should be forced to eat the breadcrumbs directly from the hands of a despot or wanna be dictator. 

Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny 

And in this judgment, there is no partiality 

So arm in arms with arms

We'll fight this little struggle

'Cause that's the only way

We can overcome our little trouble



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