Why has Reginald Austrie been issuing the
threats? It has been reported that things are not working in harmony with the
government perpetual electioneering tactics. Since the disastrous farmer assistance program farmers have grown much more disgruntled and as usual the DLP administration is looking for scape goats. They are pointing fingers at everyone else but themselves.
Our sources are telling us that Austrie’s
threats are really directed at the upper echelons like Rickie Brumant, Reginald
Thomas et al. Upon receiving another threat from Austrie, Rickie Brumant took
it upon himself to take officers from one end of the island and sending them to
the opposite side of the island. We understand that according protocol Rickie
Brumant does not have the right to issue transfer orders. Transfer orders
are supposed to come from the Permanent
Secretary. We were also told that before employees are transferred there is supposed
to be some dialogue with the employee. The entire ministry is in pandemonium at
this pointgovernment perpetual electioneering tactics. Since the disastrous farmer assistance program farmers have grown much more disgruntled and as usual the DLP administration is looking for scape goats. They are pointing fingers at everyone else but themselves.
The truth is the morale within the MOA has been
at an all-time low and this is because of political shenanigans, victimization,
nepotism and tribalism. In some cases officers are trying to do the right
things but with the political interferences nothing seems to be going right and
then the officers get blamed. For example the DLP targeted candidate for the
Grand Fond constituency has been implanted in the area as the Relief Officer
and thus far she has been interfering with the work of the agricultural
officers operating within the area. We have been told that she has her own list
of farmers based on vote buying scheme while the officers trained to work with
the farmers have a different list and the farmers are growing more frustrated. In
the Viellecase constituency we understand that the field officer has been
replaced with a “crystal falere “and Labor Party propagandist by the name of
Comptom Bertrand.
While Rickie Brumant is issuing mass
transfer orders and Austrie is offering threats, it is alleged that St Kitts has temporarily closed its doors
to agricultural produce coming from Dominica due to poor quality and shipping
standards. Our sources are telling us that the handpicked Laborites at the pack
house in Portsmouth are lazy, they work two hours a day and are costing tax
payers over $50K per month in salary and benefits. While these lazy labor Part
hacks at the pack house are having fun field officers are struggling , some
cant get reimbursed for travelling allowances and they cant drive their
vehicles on the dilapidated access roads We all know that no amount of threats, employee transfers or multiple ministers will change to direction of this government let alone the Ministry Of Agriculture. From right within the cabinet for example Johnson Drigo was criticized for the failing Ministry Of Agriculture yet those within the cabinet who criticize Johnson Drigo ignored the fact that the Jono was way over his head and that the DLP administration has had just about ten ministers of agriculture in 18 years. Not forgetting Mathew “Touchy” Walter who cried like a baby when he was assigned the MOA.
the farmers of Dominica really need at this juncture is the absolute disposal
of the Skerrit mal-administration.
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