We often
hear sympathizers of the Roosevelt Skerrit corrupt organization refer to the
opposition leader and anyone who dare criticize the government’s corrupt
foreign engagements as people destroying the image of Dominica. Has any of the
Skerrit sympathizers ever google the address 8 Copthall Roseau Valley
Commonwealth Of Dominica?
A multitude of business entities associated or
registered to 8 Copthall are tagged on line as questionable operations many of
which are alleged unregulated offshore brokers be it Forex, Binary Options or
Cryptocurrency brokers. An unregulated broker is clearly not authorized to
operate in any country yet many of these 8 Copthall registered brokers are allegedly
out there scamming people all over the world and our beloved country Dominica
is taking a biting for that. We have come across Brokerage companies such as Options
Tech Limited, Cryptex Market, UnitedMarkets4You, Gamma Investment Corporation ,
Bux.To; CryptoForex Brokers Coinbull
and Coins247 - just to name a few. These
companies have been labelled by reputable reporting agencies such as Scam Hunters and Rippoff Report as scams
brokers. Many more companies registered at 8 Copthall are tagged as suspected scam
We have also found a number of offshore Universities that are
supposedly operating in Dominica and registered to 8 Copthall Roseau Valley
Commonwealth Of Dominica. One university for example specializing in
Neanderthal Studies.
From since 2016 8
Copthall Roseau Valley Commonwealth had been highlighted in several MiTC blogs.
The deceased Russian business woman name Ena Lerner had been the owner and
operator of the property at 8 Copthall Roseau Valley Commonwealth. She operated
a passport selling operation called Caribbean Citizenship Program (CCP) and was
the owner of the fusion restaurant in Roseau. We also reported that the former
minister of government and garbage Bin Bobol facilitator Collin McIntyre was a
close associate of the deceased Ena Lerner. Following the Hurricane Maria ,
Collin McIntyre in a video recorded interview
boasted that he took it upon himself to declare Ena Lerner dead and then
he buried her himself. He did all this without an autopsy or police report.
Collin McIntyre also took the responsibility to exhume Ena’s
remains and we can confirm that she now rest close to parcel of land that Collin
McIntyre has allegedly sold to a joint venture arrangement (Vital Development
Ltd )involving Collin McIntyre himself and Eana’s estrange husband Alexander V
Berenstain. Vital Development Limited is now the developer of the Sanctuary
Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa in the Valley area.
![]() |
CBI Certificate |
According to
our information while being minister of government Collin McIntyre and his
partner Alexander V Bernstain allegedly received 500 passports for the
Sanctuary Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa development. We also understand that
lands at the welcome area of the Midland Falls area were also acquired for the
development. It is also alleged that Collin McIntyre is now the owner of the
fusion restaurant in Roseau which was owned by the decease Ena Lerner.
The ground breaking ceremony for the Eco Resort was held on November 1st of 2019-just in time to impress voters in the December 2019 general elections. According to Vital Developers Limited Alexander V Berenstain the project would be completed in 36 months and would have created hundreds of construction jobs however on our recent visit to the construction site we notice that no significant site development has taken place. The above photo shows that since November 2019 just some preliminary work has taken place, primarily site clearance and grubbing. As it stands the project seem to be way behind schedule.
The ground breaking ceremony for the Eco Resort was held on November 1st of 2019-just in time to impress voters in the December 2019 general elections. According to Vital Developers Limited Alexander V Berenstain the project would be completed in 36 months and would have created hundreds of construction jobs however on our recent visit to the construction site we notice that no significant site development has taken place. The above photo shows that since November 2019 just some preliminary work has taken place, primarily site clearance and grubbing. As it stands the project seem to be way behind schedule.
The agreement
between Vital Development Limited and the government of Dominica was sealed in
February of 2019 and so we can assume that VDL has been rolling out passports/CBI
business and generating the revenues required for the project development. The
government and VDL owe it to us the citizens of Dominica an explanation for the
lethargical construction at the Eco Resort site.
We also
understand Alexander V Berenstain to be a very busy businessman and could it be
that he has way too much on his plate at this point. We were able to identify
at least 10 companies associated with the name Alexander V Berenstain. The
companies noted are all registered to 8 Copthall Roseau Valley.
Offshore Banking .Com: Offshore Bank Accounts Opening
Offshore Corporation: Offshore Company Incorporation, Offshore IBC
Offshore Company Formation - Caribbean Citizenship Program
Dual Citizenship, 2Nd Passports, Second Citizenship Programs
A Belize Company Comparison, CORNINGFREQUENCY.COM
Grenada Offshore Companies Are Tax Free Companies In Tax Haven Grenada
Tax Havens Limited
Antigua International Business Company, Ibc Its an Antigua Offshore Company
The people of Dominica are already highly suspicious of our passport revenues being used to build hotels after hotels in an economy where the existing hotels have been severely under occupied for many years. As a matter of fact the recently built Kempinski Hotel had been shut down due to low performance. The Morocco Hotel cannot be completed after 12 years of construction.
The construction of the Anichi Hotel also
funded by passport revenues has been very sluggish and so we have every reason
to be very cynical about the Sanctuary Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa
development. With almost a year gone and no significant site development it may
not be too late to change course and to redirect the Eco Resort capital into Dominica’s
productive sector (Agriculture and manufacturing) so that the masses can truly
benefit. Thus far the use of CBI revenues in hotel development has proven to be
a “Bom Siwo" (A Joyride) for the corrupt politicians and their passport selling
agents and the people of Dominica are left with either a White Elephant or an unfinished
and abandoned facility somewhere in the forest. Deja Vu
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