Now that the apartments are no longer free what happens to Simeone
Albert ,La Terre , Bunty or even some
of the ministers’ concubines living in the apartments -will they be evicted? With an economy totally dependent on the remnants of the plundered passport revenues the government will have no choice but to keep absorbing the maintenance and
insurance cost. The petulant “Luna Tik” can huff and puff all he wants - the problem stems from the poverty and mendicancy that the Dominica Labor Party themselves have created.
Now that the CBI revenues are no longer available for
largesse and the Covid 19 crisis has further decimated an economy that was
already in a serious difficulty, it is unreasonable and even cruel that the
government is asking people who have been unemployed for many years, to pay a
monthly maintenance fee and insurance for the apartments. Government assisted
housing program is universally recognized as essential and should be reassured
by any administration as long as the program is properly and diligently executed. As it stands the government housing program should not have been used to
grandstand or to portray the opposition as being opposed to government supported
housing programs.
There was every reason to question the motives and the sustainability of the FREE housing program when the government knew that the program was unsustainable. Over the last two years there were clear signs that the treasury had been struggling to keep pace with the government's irresponsible spending and there is no doubt that the COVID 19 crisis just simply fast forwarded what seemed destined for the housing program operating without a reliable revolving fund.
Austrie’s public statement confirming the government’s intension to apply
monthly fees for the apartments, people began to ask the obvious question for
which Austrie became belligerent and a total lunatic.
The Obvious Questions asked
If the apartment holders did not
have the financial capability to pay monthly fees 5 or 6 months ago how can the
government expect them to do so now that the economy is much more debilitated
and unemployment is bursting at the seams?
How can the people not question
the government’s motives when tax payers are being asked to pay Skerrit’s sham
rent and maintenance cost of $64000 per month for his Morne
Daniel mansion?
How unconscionable is Skerrit and
his administration when the very same Simeone Albert,
La terre or Bunty’s have to pay 15 percent Value Added Taxes (VAT) and a percentage of that VAT goes towards
Skerrit’s sham rent in Morne Daniel?
The petulant “Luna Tik” gets on
Q95 to spew his ignorance and vitriol
Although the petulant Lun Tik said that someone alerted
him of the discussion on Q95 it was quite obvious that he was listening to the
program and was very upset by what was being said about their disingenuous and abusive policies. The talk show host at the time,
Loftus Durand, gracefully allowed the petulant “Luna Tik” to explain why he was
so offended by the people’s response to his statement. He began his response by
berating the host and hurling insults at the listening audience. When he was done
having his “Terrible Two” tantrum, true to form he “mepuizais” the apartment
holders for not taking care of the apartments and the surroundings. He took the Q95 opportunity to let them know that they should be responsible for the insurance and
maintenance of the properties.
The problem though is that Simeone Albert much like his fellow radio host Daryl Titre is consistently broke and unable to pay his bills. Under the previous administrations Simeone Albert who is a very capable tradesman was earning a descent leaving and was able to build his own dwelling house. At the Cotton Hill apartments, we understand that La Terre, Bounty and many others do not have sustainable employment and they too will most likely be unable to commit to the monthly fees or even to do repairs when needed. So will the government have La Terre, Bunty or Simeone Albert evicted from the apartments?
What happens to the unemployed ministers’ concubines and children? These are legitimate
questions that the "Luna Tik " should consider as the puppetted 3rd tier housing minister.
Like the hotels, the apartments have been constructed
using CBI revenues and we the people have been asking about the ownership of
these CBI built structures. In 2019 Skerrit stated that the funds raised to
construct the apartments came from the real estate option of the CBI scheme. He wanted us to believe then that the apartment buildings were owned by those investors, particularly those who contributed towards Skerrit and Anthony Haiden’s special housing escrow account or what is locally known as Dominica’s Offshore Treasury. Skerrit’s statement was a
boldface lie and a desultory response to account for the whereabouts of $1.2 Billion of
passport moneys. If the apartment buildings were owned by investors then there
is no way these investors would agree for Simeone Albert, Bunty and La Terre to live rent free at those apartments.
Prior to the 2019 election ,Skerrit in his desperation
also stated that the CBI funded Hotels such as the Kempinski Cabrits Resort also
belong to the people of Dominica but then Sam Raphael said to Matt on Q95- no no no the Jungle Bay Hotel belongs to him and his CBI shareholders. Up to now no one
knows who own the Kempinski Brand Cabrits Resort. Is it Mohammed Asaria and his
CBI shareholders or the people of Dominica? Skerrit gave Mohammed Asaria and
his Range Capital 800 passports plus Free State land at the Cabrits national
Park for the construction of the hotel.
On the eve of the election, Skerrit also bragged about the FREE apartments and promised
the apartment holders that they would soon be receiving their certificates of
ownership but following his fraudulent victory at the polls the apartment holders have
been getting conflicting information or as we normally say 6 for 9.
Austrie on Q95 also attempted to clear up the fuzziness surrounding the legal ownership of the apartments and that went as well as expected – It was malarkey after malarkey with laughable mispronunciation – kirtessy for courtesy, konstitushan for constitution. He first claimed that the government will own the apartments but within the clutter of disjointed rants he quoted Clarence "Sleeping Beauty" Christian – “the Attorney General Levi Peters is working on a legal structure that will allow the apartment recipients to have full ownership of the government issued apartments.” I am
If you are familiar with Clarence Sleeping Beauty
Christian, the man is as dishonest as Roosevelt Skerrit and like Parry Bellot he
seeks relevance and favors with the corrupt administration by spinning lies and
misinformation just to cover-up the chronic government corruption. If it is
true though that Levi Peters is now working on a legal ownership arrangement
for the apartment holders then it makes much sense that there is so much chaos
and incompetence. It is alleged that Levi Peters couldn’t even get a job to litigate
parking tickets in London and is allegedly yet to fulfill the qualifying requirements
to practice law in Dominica and the region. A dunce ka ka rat???
The willy nilly issuance of “FREE apartments to party
supporters without due process and transparency was just what everyone thought
it was – an abuse of power and the exploitation of the destitute and vulnerable, for political gain. After all the apartments
did not suddenly arrive in an express package from Amazon – the attorney general had
all the time in the world to iron out the ownership structure and property
maintenance scheme before handing out
keys to the apartments.
It is because of
the blatant corruption, incompetence and mismanagement that there are so many
questions and it is either Reginald Austrie is way too arrogant or incredibly a
lunatic to believe that the people can’t see through their web of deception. Had
the housing program been properly instituted instead of being politicized and used
as a conduit for money laundering there would be no maintenance and ownership
issues at this point. The freedom Party and the UWP administration both had
government supported housing programs and all the current Roosevelt Skerrit
administration had to do was to build on what was already there.
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