Thursday, March 30, 2023



My plea to all Dominicans is that we should not down-play Skerritt’s arrangement with Justin Sun to sell citizenship through the Dominica Decentralized Identity system on Justin’s Huobi crypto platform. In fact, it is my humble opinion that Dominicans should be in the street demanding the resignation of Roosevelt Skerrit and without comprise.

Why?? PM Skerrit signed the Tron crypto ordinance in October 2022 and by February 8 of 2023, according to Justin Sun and partners on Social-Fi (an infrastructure on web 3.0); the number of users who registered for Dominica Decentralized Identity (DID) on Huobi had surpassed 150,000. In a one-hour live online video conference with crypto industry players Justin Sun stated “ The number of users registering for Dominica’s decentralized Identity on Huobi has surpassed 150,000, which is double the number of actual Dominica citizens . .. … the digital citizenship (Dominica Digital Citizenship that is) will allow citizens to have their own bank cards, passports and homes within the metaverse….  we hope that users from Huobi will be able to claim their metarverse citizenship with their own addresses in the future.” 

PM Skerrit show us the money nuh man!!!.

As reported in the Wall Street journal and other credible financial news outlets, new users who choose Chinese as nationality on the Huobi app are prompted to apply for Dominican Digital Citizenship.Customers from other countries can also apply and that makes perfect sense considering that in a recently deleted tweet Justin Sun wrote “ I  met with Russia’s representative to the WTO after their military invaded Ukraine and “We discussed humanitarian use case of how blockchain like Bitcoin/TRON can be implemented for Russian civilians who lack access to financial payment system.

 It is now the responsibility OF EVERY Dominican, in civil disobedience format answers on how much money has Dominica benefited from the over 150,000 Dominica Digital ID’s through Justin Sun and Huobi. If Skerrit cannot provide evidence of the finances raised for Dominica, we need to know how much money that he and his foreign Economic Citizenship partners have made of this Digital Citizenship scheme.



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