Friday, January 8, 2016

Missed Us?

We've Stepped Up Our Security
By: Clint Lowe, Editorial Director

Hello bloggers; we're back! In fact, we never really went away, we just suspended our blog to re-calibrate due to unwelcome DDoS attempts on our host server. We were debating whether to rebuild on a different platform or move to a host elsewhere. In the end we decided to do a few things to step up our security. We've also duplicated the blog on 2 other servers located in other countries, and we've changed from the http:// protocol to the https:// protocol.

You would have noticed that serious sites like those of financial institutions all use the https protocol. It is a higher level of security and makes us feel a lot better. We've tested the links to ensure there are no errors due to the change and everything should be fine. Should we discover an error in the future, we'll fix it.

We can't give up now; there's much more work to be done. We're still looking for hidden assets; there's the Lap Seng federal case coming up soon and we hope to find ourselves in New York at the start of the case.

Here's a teaser; when the case starts, the feds have got to release their witness list to the defense. Will we see you-know-who on that list against Lap Seng?

We want to thank you for your support and let you know that we're on the job.

For our detractors, including those who sent us email clearly intending to install malware on our computers, nice try. We were especially amused by the gentleman who wrote us saying that he needed us to track down his wife because she had cleaned out his bank account and ran off; call the police, that's our advice. And "Mary Ragnvard", thanks for the attention but were not interested in helping you out "dear".

Keep visiting us regularly, we will have stuff to tell you about. Until then, keep praying for our country.


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  1. Let the truth be told! Roosevelt Skerrit is known as a pathological LIAR who just can't help it. Please continue to smoke him out of his den so that he can pay for his nefarious deeds to his people and country.

  2. Did you see the Spanish language article about Skerrit purchasing a bank?


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