Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Quasimodo, The Hunchback of Trafalgar

There is not enough toilet paper in Dominica to clean up the sheer volume of feces being deposited upon our once noble institution, the House of Assembly, by our version of Quasimodo, the Hunchback of Trafalgar Alix Boyd-Knights. Unlike the gentle giant of folklore, our Quasimodo is a cantankerous bat who continues to run roughshod over elected members of the Opposition in parliament while simultaneously ensuring those directly under her thumb adhere to her instructions, legality be damned.

We have just received information that the entire staff of the HoA, with the exception of her "yes boy" Mr. Danny James, have been transferred to various ministries. The transfers are said to be of immediate effect. Senior Clerk Ms. Maria Rolle, who has been employed in the HoA for over 20 years and had acted twice as Clerk, was sent to the Ministry of Agriculture. Junior Clerk Ms. Sandra Woodman was sent to Establishment, and Mr. Glen Boston to the Ministry of Housing.

Alix Boyd-Knights has a long and ignominious history of abusing public workers who attempt to follow the law in performance of their duties. The obtuse Boyd-Knights has taken extraordinary liberty abusing notable House Clerks like Ms. Vernanda Raymond, who was transferred to the Documentation Centre and is now chief Librarian. Ms. Raymond, who felt so violated that she resorted to complaining directly to Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit on numerous occasions, was the victim of persistent venom from the Speaker, including being called an animal.

Other persons who acted as Clerk of the HoA, including Ms. Eunie John and Ms. Hethline Baptiste, both of whom acted in that capacity in 2015, refused to return after these positions when the opportunity presented itself.

Alix Boyd-Knights, with support from Roosevelt Skerrit's Cabinet Secretary as well as the Chief Personnel Officer, is on track to having purged the knowledgeable and experienced staff of the HoA and replaced them with her own henchmen and women who undoubtedly will be in place to further frustrate the duly elected members of the Opposition. I guess when you've received a 100% increase in salary for doing nothing, in addition to other perks, you feel emboldened to continue to do the dirty work of the government. And that is especially true if your head is stuck so far up the arse of Roosevelt Skerrit that your face could easily be mistaken for his tonsils.

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