Saturday, March 4, 2017


While it is imperative to keep the shameful and corrupt selling of our standard and diplomatic passports on the front burner it is equally important that we keep the people informed of  matters that the Roosevelt Skerrit government would be happy to keep away from the spot light. We have decided to set up a little corner section called BAWAIS  YO  EN  HO  BAWAIS YO ABAS . Under this capture we will provide you with updates on previous articles, new information to include corruption scandals not yet exposed, stories of square peg in round hole and the continuous unmasking of the ruse and filth  behind the Roosevelt Skerrit regime. It is our intention to capture those rogues and vagabonds wherever they flee.


According to a news report out of Iran  the Attorney General Mohammed Jaafar Montazeri and the government of  the Islamic Republic Of Iran is on a quest to recover the almost $3 billion stolen by Babak Zanjani, Reza Zarrab and Dominica’s ambassador and diplomatic passport holder Alireza Monfared. It would be quite difficult to place a value on the assets that Alireza Monfared may have disposed in Dominica however we know for a fact that Alireza Monfared traveled to Dominica via the Ferry while being very protective of two large suitcases. Previous reports have indicated that the  suitcases were packed with cash. This is not an unusual phenomenon considering the fact that Alireza Monfared was a dodgy diplomat on the run. The man needed cash and or any other financial instrument, valuables etc  in order to remain undetected. The looming question is – Whether  Alireza Monfared  left Dominica for the Dominican Republic in a hurry hoping to evade Interpol or did the government of Dominica make arrangements with Interpol to have Alireza Monfared apprehended elsewhere so as to avoid the embarrassment? Whatever the case may be , we are left to wonder whether Alireza Monfared’s handlers in Dominica know anything about the valuables that Monfared came to Dominica with. Did he flee with All the valuables or was he escorted to the Dominican Republic with just what was needed to meet the Iranian arresting officers? Let us leave that for later. Stay Tuned.

Since the arrest of Monfared, his handlers in Dominica, goons of Mr. Skerrit’s have been suspected of clandestine activities to include destroying and concealing evidence of Monfared’s activities in Dominica. Skerrit called for the observance of lent so in keeping with the Lenten tradition of repentance and confession we would like to offer the Iranian government some information that may lead to the recovery of a small portion of Monfared’s assets in Dominica.

We have been tracking the deliberate concealment of Alireza’s SUV which we estimate to be roughly US $30,000. Not only has this vehicle been moved around to avoid public attention but that the police department must also investigate who deliberately erased all the relevant information regarding Alireza Monfared’s vehicle, registration number PP619. To date, the only information available at the vehicle registration department is the owner’s name Olha Shynkarenko and someone in their infinite wisdom decided to change the vehicle color to green. Take note that Olha Shynkarenko is the lady that accompanied Alireza Monfared in Dominica and she can be seen in many of the MDTH photos. Many believe that she is his wife.

Olha Shynkarenko with Francine Baron

Skerrit with Monfared and Olha -Remember Skerrit Versace Outfit
After it was revealed that Alireza Monfared’s vehicle was hidden in the yard of the head of the CBI unit ,Mr. Emmanuel Nanthan, the vehicle was secretly moved to another location where it would attract very little attention.  We don’t want to cause a rush on the property where Alireza Monfared’s vehicle is currently hidden but it would wonderful to capture history so we will only state that the vehicle is hidden at a car rental place close to Ross university in Portsmouth. The vehicle cannot be seen from the main road so curious viewers would have to take a back road to the car rental property. We also want to warn viewers that time is essential cause we guarantee that after this article Mr. Nanthan, and company will find another hiding spot for Monfared’s vehicle. But we will Bawais Yo a Ho and Bawais Yo Abas.

Alireza Vehicle hidden in Picard

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