For those who are familiar with PM Skerrit’s corruption scandal such as the Bin Bobol, Fertilizer Bobol, the 8 villas in Savanne Pailles and the Land Transfer scandal there is one common element in all this malfeasance and that is the “Cover up”
A cover-up by definition is “an attempt to conceal evidence of wrongdoing, error, incompetence, or other embarrassing information. The expression is usually applied to people in positions of authority who abuse power to avoid or silence criticism or to deflect guilt of wrongdoing.”
With regards to the Bin Bobol and Fertilizer
Bobol after getting expose by Mo Green and Lennox Linton, Skerrit and his
handlers used a few surrogates in Barbados and Antigua and some “Zazi Moozailles “money
laundering schemes to return the stolen money back to the treasury.
With regards to the 8 Villas in Savanne
Pailles when it was discovered that Skerrit was the owner of a $9 Million dollar Villa project less
than three years after becoming prime minister, he conspired with Portsmouth
businessman Renneth Alexis so that Renneth would front as the owner of the Villa complex.
You know who could give us a very good account of this sham between Skerrit
and Renneth Alexis? The Plucked Chicken former magistrate who just two weeks ago received A" Jaws of Life" economic rescue from the same Roosevelt Skerrit.
A few months ago, we reported on the action taken by Skerrit and coconspirator Collin McIntyre when the news of the Land Transfer scandal broke. While Anthony Astaphan and other Skerrit defenders were launching verbal assaults on the concern citizens, PM Skerrit and Collin McIntyre(aka Astaphan’s korboss) were busy trying to clean up the mess. The title to the land in question was quickly transferred to Collin McIntyre’s girlfriend, name, Eselyn Reyner.
The recent scandal involving Skerrit’s
request for a $186,000 vehicle exclusively for the purpose of driving his kids
to school has turned out to be a major embarrassment and in true form the
apologists like Belle Ti Cochon aka Shinning Zandoli, The Two Teeth Box Bunny Bottom
Brain, Mal Twavailles Simeon Albert et al are all spinning lies and excuses for
Skerrit’s criminal behavior. We have not heard from the horned Senior "clownsel" Anthony
Astaphan but as soon as he verifies Collin McIntyre’s whereabout we will soon hear
from him.
MiTC can confirm that on Monday November
25, 2024, the same day the $186,000 document was leaked, PM Skerrit supposedly rushed to purchase a brand new 2024 Kia Sorento at Auto Trade and
on that same afternoon -after normal working hours, had the vehicle registered
in his name. An online search shows that
a 2024 Kia Sorento would cost over $190,000 at the dealership in Canfield Dominica.
Was it a coincidence that on the same day of the leaked document that Skerrit allegedly bought and registered a vehicle in his name? Unlike the case of the infamous Jeep Wrangler he didn't even try to hide his ownership - Ask yourself why ,when he has been using surrogates to mask the acquisition of his valuable properties and real estate.
It is noteworthy that in
the case of the Jeep Wrangler he took great care in insuring that the
registration documents would not identify him as the owner. The Jeep Wrangler
in question was allegedly acquired through the Passport vending operation and
that PM Skerrit and his wife Melissa had misrepresented the year of the vehicle
in order to avoid due import duty and taxes. A little more on that Jeep Wrangler later.
Because Skerrit has a history of trying to conceal his cache of malfeasance in government, the seemingly desultory purchase of the 2024 Kia Sorento appears to be a move to dampen the scandal and to discredit the information in the leaked document. By purchasing his own vehicle maybe, the concern about the lack of garbage pickup services, terrible healthcare, unpaid government bills, inadequate equipment for the fire department etc would be moot or that with the acquisition of his own vehicle the leak document would be validated as just another fake news article propagated by the UWP? But alas There is no perfect cover up though, because someone in Skerrit’s crime organization should have given the grovelers, Belle Ti Cochon and Two Teeth Box Bunny a heads up before they went on Kairi Radio to spin garbage.
But then again Belle Ti Cochon and Two Teeth Box Bunny are two former senior public servants who worked 40 years in the government service yet can't afford to buy one tire on Skerrit's 2024 Kia Sorento yet they see nothing wrong with a politician who came into office like a "Vere Tere" (Earth Worm) , couldn't afford a tricycle and is now rich beyond measure; very likely the richest politician in the Caribbean. These two bootlickers know very well that it is impossible to become a millionaire let alone a billionaire on a public servant salary. The most dangerous human beings are those who really believe their own lies
Attempts to obscure wrongdoing often leads to more severe consequences than the original misdeed but so far after every scandal of misconduct Skerrit continues to receive more privileges to commit more crimes in Dominica. With the ongoing construction of his second mansion in Morne Daniel, the recent expansion, remodeling and refurnishing of his Vielle Case mansion, mas acquisition of real estate property and now the seemingly cursory purchase of the 2024 Kia Sorento one would expect the systems of state responsible for checks and balances to at least do some investigation. Former prime minister Edison James was investigated when he was falsely accused of owning a hotel in Barbados. Senior "Clownsel" Antony Hornstaphan can atest to that.
Let us not forget that when it was also leaked that Skerrit had also hatched out for himself a $32000 per month allowance to rent allegedly his own mansion in Morne Daniel, instead of being contrite he arrogantly told the people that he will build another palace for himself, and so he did. The new mansion is estimated at about $20 Million
How is the Prime Minister and frankly his Cabal able to keep on accumulating so much unsubstantiated wealth?
We understand that the three person Integrity in Public Office Commission (IPO) is really
an illusory operation. One member allegedly, may be at the point of senility
and we say so without malice but with sincerest sympathy. Another member as we know it must curry favor with the Skerrit
administration- he too needs an economic Jaw of life from the Skerrit crime syndicate. With regards to the third
member Cara Shillingford, we know by her past action that she is a true patriot and has
demonstrated her readiness to act on behalf of the people as a
member of the IPO but alas a pebble is not a damn in a flowing stream of moral
We there not forget that it was only
because of Cara Shillingford’s action at the IPO that Skerrit and Melissa were
forced to park that very same Jeep Wrangler which was allegedly obtained
through the passport selling operation- the people's money.
.Evil unchecked grows, Evil tolerated poisons an entire nation.
We have created a monster, and that monster is out of control; his greed is
unsatiable and is increasingly unconscionable but even more this monster is
showing us truly who we are and what we have become.
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