The anecdote of the Plucked Chicken has been recounted innumerable times, yet it never gets repetitive. Why -because in life the chickens among us like Ian Douglas , Joseph Isaacs, Kapitolin , Keresa and now Tiyanni Robert Douglas Behazin , they disgracefully present themselves for cause play in the tale of Joseph Stalin’s Pluck Chicken.
The anecdote of the Plucked Chicken illustrates the diabolic motive of a dictator with the urge to reassure his dominance over a subjugated people.
As Marxism began to collapse in the Soviet Union, a Soviet novelist Chingiz Aitmatov retold the narrative of brutal dictator Joseph Stalin and the Plucked Chicken. He narrated that
Besides claiming to be the Labor Party Prodigal Son returning to an organization that Tiyanni hinted is responsible for the death of his beloved father , the Lion Rosie Douglas.Tiyani attempt to convince the gullible among us that he volunteered to be Skerrit’s Plucked Chicken, all for the betterment of the nation. For those of us who cannot be fooled all the time we know that this is all Bull Sh**t and Tiyanni himself knows that it is all Poppycock.
really makes no sense at all that in order to combat poverty affliction you join the
very forces and architects of poverty and economic slavery. The idea that these
spineless chickens (Ian Douglas, Joseph Isaacs, Kapitolin , Karessa and now
Tiyanni ) must reposition themselves at the top of the trough to make
life better for the struggling people of Dominica is ludicrous, asinine and insulting.
This is some real Jim Jones cultish nonsense that can only be fed to the brainwashed. Everyone knows that the more parasites at the top of the trough the more detrimental it gets for the less fortunate at the bottom of
the trough.
Besides getting an economic lifeline from the Skerrit crime syndicate did Joseph Isaac investiture into Skerrit’s crime ring alleviate destitution and poverty in Dominica? In fact, since then abject poverty has grown exponentially in Dominica. It is no secret that Joseph Isaac was in severe economic difficulties before getting plucked by Skerrit -he was politically persecuted, his old pickup truck, with dilapidated tires and air-filled gas tank was not road worthy, his “kwedi sa payais” legacy and failing businesses was the talk of the town. He was at the moment the perfect abused soulless chicken for Skerrit’s "Stalinesk" demonstration.
There is much speculation that Tiyanni himself may be finding it very difficult to get by in Dominica’s grueling economic environment and that may be the reason Skerrit chose him as another chicken to be plucked. We cannot confirm those allegations regarding Tiyanni’s personal economy however there is no denying that destitution is at code red level in Dominica and that unless one gets into the inner circle of the Skerrit Kleptocracy no one is spared from the scourge of DLP economic slavery.
One thing we learn is that Skerrit repeatedly says in private that “every man has his price “ (Kapitolin can confirm that and if he says its not true – let’s just say a liar thinks everyone lies) Following Tiyanni’s come back to daddy moment in Vielle Case, Skerrit called for more battered opposition people to come eat the breadcrumbs from his hands and we could very well see more chickens presenting themselves for Skerrit pleasure.
Let’s be real though; every man does have a price but in the words of Napoleon – how low is that man willing to state his price and which man is willing to have his dignity guard him instead of having to guard his dignity?
In as much as we would like to dwell on the fact that dignity is a critical factor in morality, ethics, law and politics we should really at this moment be asking HTF did we get to the point where in a moribund economy professionals on the island , lawyers included can’t even afford to repair or change their vehicle tires, pay rent and have to resort to begging family members for financial assistance?
How did we get there when the largest capital project in the history of our country is taking place on the island yet even the people in the immediate location of the project have become poorer- the bars and food joint owners have had to close shop due to a depressed economy. How did the people get so poor while the leader, his family friends and cronies have become vastly opulent – buying out huge chunks of Morne Daniel and elsewhere.
Everyone sees but nobody knows why and how we got to this level poverty and humiliation in Dominica, but conventional wisdom teaches that “nothing is more destructive of human dignity than a system that demands a mute and blind obedience” A man’s dignity lies in his ability to stake his claim and assert his worthiness of the best and so no one should be forced to eat the breadcrumbs directly from the hands of a despot or wanna be dictator.
Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny
And in this judgment, there is no partiality
So arm in arms with arms
We'll fight this little struggle'Cause that's the only way
We can overcome our little trouble
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