After our article “Upside Down Inside Out Government” we got a number of inquiries and also added information regarding the rotted and hazardous coffee beans. We have also been reliably informed that the members of the “cabinet” have been so embarrassed that they sent out their gestapo and “ton ton ma kouts” on a snooping mission trying to find out the source of our information. They are also desperately trying to dump the evidence.
First things first, we want to apologize for the typographical error in our report. The quantity of coffee beans purchased by the Roosevelt Skerrit government is 400,000 Lbs. and not 4000 Lbs. As reported. The record shows that the government actually imported 13 - 20 ft. containers of coffee beans, costing the tax payers of
The modus operandi of the Roosevelt Skerrit government is to seek and destroy anyone who goads and exposes the scam that passes as government in Dominica . It is always about cunning the people and not doing what is right for the people. One day after the article came out, cabinet members and the Labour Party gestapo was up and about trying to figure out how we got the photographs. May we remind them of GPRI – Ground Penetrating Radar Imagery or Good People Reacting Intelligently. They went as far as to suggest disposing of the rotted coffee beans as the article even drew a reaction from the Venezuelan embassy and, it is causing an embarrassment for the government. PM Roosevelt Skerrit was visibly annoyed in the House of Assembly every time the members of the opposition mentioned about the defunct coffee factory. We sincerely hope that Roosevelt Skerrit’s government will not do what they do best; invite Swinging Stars, Hunter, Daddy Chess, and their favorite caterer for a big party – A Coffee Dumping Party (Sewo) at Borough Square.
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. We wrote about the toxicity of the rotting coffee beans and we truly hope that the people understand that this is a matter of health and ultimately life and death. As we indicated before, the government had been trying to covertly dispose of the coffee beans and as a result the government Laboratory got involved in the matter. We know for a fact that more than a year ago a report was prepared by the government Laboratory after the technicians visited and tested the coffee factory. The test result from the government laboratory reveals considerable levels of toxins from the rotted coffee beans. The report stressed on the need for proper handling and disposing of the coffee beans and the threat to the environment with special emphasis on protecting the nearbyIndian River from these mycotoxins. We understand that the Laboratory technicians are also concerned about returning to the coffee plant without PPE-Proper Protective Equipment.
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. We wrote about the toxicity of the rotting coffee beans and we truly hope that the people understand that this is a matter of health and ultimately life and death. As we indicated before, the government had been trying to covertly dispose of the coffee beans and as a result the government Laboratory got involved in the matter. We know for a fact that more than a year ago a report was prepared by the government Laboratory after the technicians visited and tested the coffee factory. The test result from the government laboratory reveals considerable levels of toxins from the rotted coffee beans. The report stressed on the need for proper handling and disposing of the coffee beans and the threat to the environment with special emphasis on protecting the nearby
PM Skerrit once said to cricket commentators that he considers himself a farmer yet the agricultural sector continues to be an outcast among his administrative policies. Mr. Skerrit, instead of seeking to destroy any means of transparency, why not spend the resources on safe and proper disposal of the coffee beans? A coffee plant requires five (5) years to produce coffee, why not work towards making good use of the coffee building so that people can go to work?
We want our readers to stay locked in on MiTC, because we will soon be revealing some more racketeering within the government ministries. The police and cabinet are aware of the racketeering and the people should know about it too. We insist on exposing the systemic and boldface corruption among the Labour Party government and the Labour Party operatives.
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