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In spite of all the ridiculous and laughable spins by the
Labor Party apologists it is quite clear to us that Dumb and Dumber-Richard
“Terry Baron” Henry and Joseph “Dollar Store Suit” Boll came to Dominica at the
behest of Skerrit and the Dominica Labor Party to conduct operation “Deux
Couyon”. Thanks to the brilliant presentation by the opposition leader Lennox
There is no doubt that Dumb and Dumber had coordinators
on the ground in Dominica. In addition this operation “Deux Couyon “definitely
cost a hefty “Kool Out “and we know who owns the “kool Out” Bank in Dominica.
The sole purpose of operation “Deux Couyon “was to completely destroy Lennox
Linton’s credibility and then Skerrit would seize the opportunity and
immediately call the election. Like Grant in St Kitts Lennox would have had no
chance to recover.

After going through a series of text messages between
anticorruption activist Trevor Johnson and what seem to be representatives of a
certain passport agency we notice that the alias name “Terry” was used. In this one particular conversation someone using
the alias name “Jack Sparrow” and purporting to represent a passport agent was
very concerned that Trevor Johnson may be in possession of very incriminating
and damaging text messages between PM Skerrit and that passport agent. “Jack
Sparrow “ wanted Trevor Johnson to meet someone in London by the name of Terry.
The purpose of the meeting was to essentially make a deal with Trevor and to
make those damaging text messages disappear. Note also that the text conversation took place on April 22 nd and Terry Baron and Boll came to Dominica less than a month after -May 18. Coincidence????
Note very well that in the attached text message Jack
Sparrow is inviting Trevor Johnson to come make a deal in London and that Jack
Sparrow is claiming to be representing someone with the initials AH. Everyone please clear your throat. Hmmmmm Hmmmmmm
For clarity MiTC does not know who AH is and we are not
making any suggestions or assumptions either. Maybe Shanks "shook bwois”
Esprit knows who these guys are. Or maybe we should ask the genius loud mouth who
cannot keep his portion or in colloquial pronunciation “Porshan” on his plate away from Collin McIntyre
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