Saturday, July 29, 2023


Anthea Reed
Heartless Levi Peter
Woman of The House Denis Edwards  

Whether you are Workers, Freedom or Labor you had to be heartbroken after watching the Emo News interview with Miss Anthea  Reed of Fond Cole. Miss Reed has been living in a community center since Hurricane Maria of 2017. Six years since and several attempts to get some public housing assistance from the government but her supposed none support of the Dominica Labor Party government remains an obstacle to her basic human rights and dignity. Housing assistance should not be an act of charity or means to political loyalty but simply an act of justice.

What kind of people have we become and how do these DLP cabalist sleep at night knowing that People like Miss Reed are in dire need while housing assistance is being given to party supporters many of whom are undeserving of public housing assistance. There are countless revelations of people in the diaspora (living in the US Virgin Island, US main Land, UK ) who have been given apartments.

With Miss Reed and so many others still living in such horrendous conditions can the PM Skerrit, his cabinet, the permanent secretary, the director of audit please explain why the Attorney General Levi Peter received over $200,000 towards the construction of his house in the “Buck area in Portsmouth?  We can confirm that Levi Peter received this financial assistance through the Housing Revolution program. Shouldn’t we all be angry?

As always Spinners and detractors will try to dismiss reports of DLP kleptocracy as fake news, but we always stand behind our report. In fact, we offer a challenge to Attorney General Levi Peter, we understand he is the son of a pastor or even the deplorable Clarence Christian to deny this claim.

How can the people of Dominica expect the Attorney General to work on ensuring a fair and impartial justice, safety, liberty and eradication of poverty for all the citizens of Dominica when he is so deeply entrenched with the DLP cabal in reaping off the very same people that he is supposed to protect.

Just Imagine What $50,000 could do for Miss Reed Right Now Miss Denis Edwards

Just a few weeks ago the Financial Secretary (FS)for PM Skerrit Denise Edwards attended a meeting in St Lucia for FS’s in the region. While all the other FS’s from the other islands got themselves modest hotel rooms costing a total of EC $2000-3000 for the three nights in St Lucia Dominica’s Financial Secretary Denise Edwards rented a suite at the hotel racking up a bill of over $50,000 for the three nights. She invited her reginal peers to her rented suite for entertainment. Her peers were all flabbergasted by Denise’s lavishness. Some even ask her how she is able to rent out such expensive suite at taxpayers' expense and her response was that “I can do whatever I want.For those who know Denise Edwards – you cant put this past her -this is who she is and the "lavi flamboyant " she portrays.

Denise can do whatever she wants, and the Attorney General Levi Peter can heartlessly take a $200,000 check from the public housing assistance program to help build his house while Miss Reed of Fond Cole is being denied basic housing assistance: Let's not even talk about the hospital  not having basic medical supplies like sutures and paracetamol.

It is said that greed is not a financial issue but rather an issue of the heart and conscience. Mahatma Gandhi reminds us that “there is sufficiency in the world to meet every man’s need but not for man’s greed.”

All it takes to combat poverty is the courage to denounce corruption.

Through the global lenses we see and acknowledge in one accord the staggering cost of corruption and how it hobbles sustainable development globally. The problem is that most people are willing to engage in discussions about corruption and the resulting poverty in OTHER developing countries but once the microscopic lenses are provided to examine corruption in our immediate environment there is an unwillingness to engage or to simply call it as it is. To denounce corruption and its derivative poverty is the highest obligation of patriotism anywhere.

As we pause to think about Miss Reed’s living condition and how we can help her as fellow human beings keep in mind the words of the great Chinese philosopher Confucius who said In a country well governed poverty is something to be ashamed of and in a country badly governed wealth is something to be ashamed of"

A huge Thank You to Emo News For caring about the oppressed. As for the rest of the media in Dominica- may you find your spines wherever disposed.

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