Tuesday, October 10, 2023



To maintain power dictators seek to control information by every means necessary. Positive news they always want attributed to them and negative news they ascribe to enemies of the state.

 Last week’s rant about the opposition and Trevor Johnson who he did not call by name was just another one of Skerrit’s display of his cowardice a man high on narcissism , psychopathy and the paranoia about a pending investigative report on his corrupt and criminal CBI passport selling program.

 We promised to release the results of our own investigation involving another unscrupulous Dominica CBI passport holder. The question is always -what kind of due diligence program is being done with Dominica’s CBI program that someone like Fonome Dieng could so easily attain a passport.. According to our sources in Africa Fonome Dieng who is Jordanian introduces himself as owner of a financial broker company in Dubai  name BSC Management LLC . Dieng has been promising investment capital for small business ventures and allegedly collecting huge application fees and not delivering on the investment capital. In one such case a victim of Dieng told us “ I have been looking for funds to fund my vertically integrated meat project in Tanzania. In March this year I was introduced to Dieng who guaranteed that he was capable of arranging financing for my project.  

He gave me financing terms which I accepted. They explained that on security, they will need a guarantor residing in UAE. They confirmed that I may find it difficult to secure a guarantor in UAE, so they will arrange one for me. I met all other requirements including necessary fees as provided in the Loan agreement which amounted to almost US$40,000. I was also required to travel to Turkey to sign the agreement, which I did. 

It was shocking to me that when all was done and I was waiting for loan disbursement, Dieng asked me to pay another US$50,000 to secure a guarantor, which was, however, not part of our agreement. 

I then decided not to proceed with the loan and asked for a refund of my monies, Mr. Dieng refused and said that if I cancelled the Loan I will have to pay US$7,500 as penalty. 

I just have come to feel that these are just scammers using passports from the Commonwealth of Dominica to swindle people.

I need your help to unravel this so that other people do not fall to these scammers”

As promised MITC was able to get a copy of Fonome Dieng Passport R0183XX. Dieng who is Jordanian and operates out of Dubai received his passport  in December of 2019.Interestingly the former Prime minister of Jordan instituted  legislation forbidding Jordanians from having dual citizenship but while doing so he the PM got himself a Dominica passport. The reason - allegedly to hide assets. 

 Last week we wrote about the multi-billion dollar bust in Singapore and some of the criminals were carrying Dominica passport. Can anyone in their right mind believe the infantile argument that it is “elements of the opposition “, Trevor Johnson, MiTC et al that is destroying the image of Dominica? Dictators are adept at inciting blame and scapegoating, but history has thought us that blaming others and not taking responsibility for your own action is sign of a coward.

Instead of scapegoating PM Skerrit- clean up your act, the crooked CBI passport vendors in Dubai and elsewhere. 

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