The Dominica Strong Company (DSC), a private construction company
with phantom ownership had been operating exclusively as an arm of the Ministry
of Public Works since the passage of hurricane Maria. The company's presence seem to have been significantly reduced and the once ubiquitous and imposing red trucks have become less conspicuous. Even as curious minds are still trying
to unravel the perceived corruption and money laundering arrangement between
the DSC and the government officials, suddenly there is a new element of
mystery – Another foreign company named Rayneau Gajadhar Group of Companies (Rayneau) out of St Lucia is now dominating untendered public works and has replaced Dominica Strong as that other arm of the
Ministry Of Public Works. Rayneau can also bee seen performing construction activities at the Anichi project in Picard.
At this point we don’t know why the Dominica Strong operation had been reduced however Dr. Collin McIntyre may have the answer(s) since Dominica Strong is registered under a company name Infrastructure Services Limited and the address shown is McIntyre's Ministry of Public Works Water Resource Management and Ports. In our search to find the answers we were also able to get behind some secret surrounding Rayneau and part of its operation in Dominica.
We want to first state that we have no problem at all with a company from a sister island having the opportunity to perform contract work in Dominica as long as there is fair and legitimate procurement procedures.
Rayneau is indeed a legitimate and successful company out of St Lucia. The owner Rayneau Gajadhar is a gentleman who came from humble beginnings. He started off his business aspirations selling ice-cream in his neighborhood and was able to build a formidable business empire- Now the largest locally owned construction and industrial product conglomerate on the island of St Lucia. We understand that Rayneau may be the reginal agent for Komatsu heavy Equipment some of which arrived brand new in Dominica more than a year ago. The company also own that quarry in St Lucia where two years ago a massive explosion resulted in the death of a number of people.
From our investigation, it appears that Rayneau could be acting as an intermediary between Skerrit and his CBI agent in India. Our findings indicate that it is the same Indian CBI agent that is trying to stage the Dominica University of Medical Sciences (DUMS) in Picard, using CBI passport funds. (see our article ). Currently there are a few people from India who are working with Rayneau in Dominica however from what we have gathered these Indians are really employees of the Indian firm but they are being paid through Rayneau. We can also confirm that some of these workers from India receive a salary of US$1800.00 per month however they must wait for their money to come from St Lucia.
With the many great technologies available for easy banking it is reasonable to ask why can’t the Indian company just do a direct transfer to their employees through the banks in Dominica; that is if they are direct employees. In other words why must the money go to Rayneau in St Lucia before it gets to Dominica? In anticipation that spinners will claim that the Indian workers are direct employees of Rayneau we want to question whether Rayneau pays his equipment mechanics in St Lucia US $1800.00 or EC $4870.00 monthly. Unless Rayneau is operating equipment that need specialized mechanics then why not employ our local mechanics some of which had been laid off by Public Works Corporation?
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As we try to make sense of the seemingly complicated money transfer activities and the secretive arrangement between the government of Dominica and Rayneau we wonder whether this apparent marriage of convenience is as a result of the difficulties moving passport money into Dominica?It is a well-known fact that the CBI accounts in Dominica has been considered high risk and as such financial institutions in Dominica have terminated CBI accounts belonging to CBI agents and the government of Dominica.
Stay locked in as in the next few days MiTC will be releasing a story that should anger every Dominican. The tale of CBI insider trading; another betrayal of the people who had invested in Ross University; citizenship and another Passport for a Dodgy Character and hard evidence of Skerrit profiting from the office of Prime Minister.
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