Saturday, May 16, 2020


Michael Holding Delivers
Who would you believe on matter that relates to the gentleman’s sport of cricket? Michael Holding one of the worlds most revered fast bowlers and arguably the most prolific and candid cricket commentator. Also a man who refuses to compromise his principles - not even if it meant losing out on a very lucrative contract? Contrast that with Anthony “Mopyon” Astaphan ,better suited as Mopyon Tony who has never played any sport,  a known pathological liar ,man with the reputation of a sewer rat and incapable of preventing his domestic birdy from seeking intravenous treatment in the Valley?

With documented proof in hand Michael Holding exposed acts of suspected money laundering within the West Indies Cricket board (CWI). According Michael Holding in 2018 CWI received US $134,200.00 from an offshore account and that money was sent on behalf of Dominica Cricket Association. With a copy of the auditor’s report in hand Holding noted that the CWI auditors were concerned as to why that money was not sent directly to the Dominica Cricket Association (DCA) and that there were concerns that the  CWI was being used as a financial conduit as there was no proper documentation trailing this suspicious funds.

Mopyon Tony To The Rescue.
It appears that after receiving the money from the offshore account the CWI for whatever reason held on to the money and Mopyon Tony who is a legal counsel for the CWI decided to intervene on behalf of whoever in Dominica that money was meant for. Mopyon Tony demanded that the suspicious money be released to Dominica and as expected Mopyon Toy decided to berate the great and candid Michael Holding simply because the money laundering points in the direction of the passport cartel in Dominica 

If the Dominica Cricket Association is transparent then Mopyon Tony should have no problem saying who asked him to demand the release of this suspected dirty money to Dominica. Was it the Dominica passport selling director, ambassador at large in the PM’s office and former CWI vice president Emmanuel Nanthan? Dominica’s passport selling enterprise has been smeared by corruption, with money laundering, little to no due diligence and criminal racketeering.    

Heads Of Passport Cartel
What Mr. Holding may not have been aware off is that about a year before the 2018 suspicious activity at CWI, over a million dollars from an offshore bank transaction had been intercepted and flagged as a suspicious activity at certain bank in Dominica. The person receiving that money just happens to be the same former CWI vice president and director of passport sales in Dominica, Emmanuel Nanthan. When asked to explain the source of that suspicious fund to his personal account Nanthan told the bank investigators that the money was derived from passport deals. That suspicious money activity drew the intervention of the PM Skerrit, lawyer and passport seller Alick Lawrence and others all in an effort to cover up the activity and to prevent further criminal investigation and prosecution.  

Crooks and money launderers can’t keep their story straight. After it was made public that Emmanuel Nanthan had receive over a million dollars in a suspicious money transfer activity, Mr. Nanthan in speaking to various associates gave multiple reasons for receiving that money. Mr. Nathan told some associates that the suspicious money was sent to him on behalf of  Dominica cricket Association? No member of the DCA was able to verify Mr Nanthans declaration nor that this money ever made it to the DCA's account. 

Keep in mind that there is documented evidence to show that Mr. Emmanuel Nanthan was also a recipient of laundered money from the former fugitive and now imprisoned Dominica diplomat Alireza Monfared.

You can bet that Mopyon Tony would dive into the sewer where he wallows to explain on behalf of Nanthan why over a million dollars donated to DCA would come from a suspicious offshore account and directly unto Nanthan’s personal account as oppose to the DCA’s account. Let Mopyon be Mopyon!!!!.

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