Monday, February 8, 2021



In a country where the people have traded their moral values for the facilitation of a con man and his crime syndicate another  account of racketeering and police cover up is considered banal or just another day on an island plagued by corruption scandals.

Even while the dirt is still being piled on to bury the bobolat the Ministry of Agriculture's Fisheries Department, the Skerrit administration is also actively trying to undermine an investigation involving racketeering among DLP supporters in Portsmouth.

We can confirm that a number of people in Portsmouth have been accused of purchasing stolen government property from one of PM Skerrit’s personal contractor in Portsmouth. Not only is the accused contractor close to PM Skerrit, many of those in receipt of the stolen goods are laborites and so efforts are being made by the Skerrit administration to bury the investigation and to keep the matter from public discourse.

According to reliable sources the gentleman from Portsmouth had been contracted to install solar street lamps and it is alleged that he had been pulling off some sort of a “Robin Hood “ operation by stealing from the rich but instead of donating the loot to the poor, the Robin Hood contractor allegedly had been selling the stolen government property to the poor and willing buyers in Portsmouth.

We understand that the police went to a number of houses looking for missing solar lamps and in particular, the missing batteries from the dysfunctional street lamps. It is alleged that in addition to selling the solar lamps the "Robin Hood" had also been accused of returning to the installed street lamps under the guise of maintenance but allegedly he would remove the batteries from the solar lamp and then peddle the batteries  around Portsmouth

It is also alleged that the accused "Robin Hood" contractor  had also been performing interior work at Skerrit’s newly built mansion in Morne Daniel and so it may be reasonable to assume that while working on Skerrit’s mansion  “Robinhood” realize that if a con man in leadership is stealing from the people then what monkey see monkey shall do.

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