Albert Einstein once said that Coincidence
is god’s way of remaining anonymous. So when Cecil Joseph who holds keys to a
property next to the PM’s mansion in Morne Daniel was seen at the Police
Headquarters while Mystelics and Jewanza were being investigated for “suspicion
of suspicion and espionage “was it coincidence or just god being anonymous?
It is now being reported that Cecil
Joseph is not only custodian of keys to PM Skerrits neighboring property in
Morne Daniel, it is also alleged that one of PM Skerrit’s mistresses/concubines
is now renting and residing at the same
property in Morne Daniel. We can all
agree that Cecil Joseph is not one of the sharp tools in the shed (9 years in
High School??? Shoot) but at least he ought to know that “Hi zyais Ni Zorweille” and Hell has no furry like a concubine scorned
zyais Ni Zorweille Translation- Bushes have ears.)
Tales of espionage most often involve
the exchange of information of national interest for financial gain. Guess who
wanted millions of dollars in exchange for all of the information from PM Skerrit’s
phone? We are talking about text messages, graphic, emails all related to the
PM’s personal and professional dealings.
has no furry like a concubine scorned and that would be a strong base to begin an investigation on
espionage in Dominica as the PM has robbed quite a few concubines the wrong
information indicate that during the concubine’s final year at university the
PM promised her that he would appoint her as the next candidate for the Roseau
Central constituency but then true to fashion the PM burnt the mistress' hopes
and cunningly installed his wife Molly the Donkey Melissa as the candidate for the Roseau
The mistress next door was extremely
hurt by the PM’s betrayal. She felt that she was much more deserving of the appointment
than Molly the Donkey. She complained that both she and Skerrit thought that Molly The Donkey is as dumb as a
rock; she declared that she was the one who actually named the PM’s two kids
with Molly The Donkey and that the many times she accompanied the PM during his
extensive travels the PM would often times provide her with up to $US 10,000 in
cash just to shop for Molly’s kid. MiTC is in possession of evidence showing
the PM and Mistress' coinciding travel itineraries.
The Mistress next door was willing to
provide full disclosure of all of the PM’s money laundering deals with MMCE and
Anthony Haiden. It was through the mistress next door that details were
revealed on the planning and construction of the Morne Daniel mansion. Emails
and text messages between Anthony Haiden and PM Skerrit confirm that Anthony
Haiden was fronting the construction of the Morne Daniel Mansion for PM
Roosevelt Skerrit.
In the absence of transparency with our
passport revenues between Anthony Haiden and PM Skerrit we are only left to
speculate on the PM’s source of financing for this lavish mansion in Morne
Daniel. The PM is now charging the people of Dominica EC $64,000 per month as
his official residence. What a travesty.
While there are speculations that Cecil
Joseph, the PM and his Maniku Gang were more interested in concealing the
optics of the concubine mistress next door, just under two years ago the same concubine was willing to sell national
secrets and had already dangled the following details :
Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit’s extramarital relationships with a woman
initials M.F. Another former government
Official with initials FB (Not Face book) and many others in Dominica and even
in Dubai
Marital problems between Roosevelt Skerrit and Melissa Skerrit
3. Evidence of Money Laundering related to Roosevelt Skerrit’s relationship with Montreal Management
Evidence of gifts purchased on behalf of Roosevelt Skerrit for one of his extra
Marital beau M.F
Evidence of the purchase of three properties in Roseau after the passage of
Hurricane Maria
She wanted to prove that the
information she had on the PM was worth the millions of dollars she was asking. From her own confession - she had never seen so much cash in one place.
Skerrit’s Maniku Gang of police
continue to prove that their modus operandi is protecting by any means
necessary the most corrupt political leader the Caribbean region has ever seen.
There is no real interest in justice or urgency in national security. In the
matter regarding Baby Sarah for example, the government and police only wanted
access to Trevor Tossy Johnson’s electronic devises. They also wanted to infiltrate MassInThe Cemetery's(MiTC) operation – there was no interest in Minister Rayburn Blackmore’s devices and record of his communication with Baby Sarah’s mother.
At the behest of the PM and Anthony
Astaphan, the same Maniku Gang of police harassed and searched the home of the
opposition leader Lennox Linton when the PM’s financial disclosure to the IPO was made public. The police never questioned nor arrested the crooked and disgusting Senior Counsel ,Anthony Astaphan who after a credible police investigation was found solely
responsible for the malicious breach.
Now that the Maniku Gang can’t come up with any credible evidence of espionage by Mystelics and Jowanza, we strongly advise Acting Commissioner Corbette and the “Aviolle” to focus on the PM’s concubine mistress next door. She is fresh out of University and the question is - how the heck she is able to afford the rent and lifestyle up in Morne Daniel and what has become of the treasure trove of incriminating evidence on Roosevelt Skerrit, Anthony Haiden and other passport selling hawks?
We are only asking that acting police commissioner Corbette should exclude himself from any investigation that involves the PM's concubine next door because of conflicting family interest
Even Molly the Donkey herself should be considered a threat to National security because she too continues to feel scorned. We are aware that Molly actually called the sister of a newly appointed project director asking her to stop interfering with her husband. With the wanton money laundering surrounding capital projects in Dominica it would be very dangerous to have Molly The Donkey threatening family members of people involved in important capital projects
Believers say god works in mysterious
ways and when the Prime Minister and his mercenaries continue to suppress
dissent through the arrests and persecution of patriots the act of
“Coincidence” seem to be god’s way of exonerating the innocent and exposing rampant corruption and injustice- Albert Einstein was right.
The truth crush to earth will rise again- truth forever on the scaffold and wrong forever on the throne yet that scaffold sways the future". Nuff said
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