Sunday, May 1, 2022



If someone from the Ministry Of Legal Affairs tells you that the Attorney General Levi Peter is clandestinely reaching out to friends or associates and asking them to sell passports, what would you think is happening?

As we noted in our most recent article -“he that is already corrupt is naturally suspicious and he that becomes suspicious will quickly be corrupt.” It is only reasonable assume that Levi Peter maybe up to no good and according to our sources within the government and DLP cabal , Levi Peter may be using surrogates to  spread his own feathers within the passport selling business. 

According to sources within the Ministry Of Legal Affairs, someone that Levi Peter secretly contacted to sell passports made several statements condemning Dominica’s Citizenship By Investment program and its pervasive corruption. In one statement that made headline news, that person questioned the legitimacy of Dominica’s CBI and said that she “personally encountered individuals and ambassadors who hold CBI-acquired Dominican passports, and believes that the country must have urgent dialogue on security, shared values and prosperity.” The person further added “Dominica is unable to defend its economic self-interest; therefore, there is a need for geopolitical remedies.”

 As evidenced on social media, this person was not too long ago an avid critic of the corrupt Roosevelt Skerrit administration and has bragged about having international journalism experience and high level connections. 

Not a bad resume if you are looking for a passport salesperson that can reach international buyers.

Rebecca Theodore
That Person is none other than self-professed journalist Rebecca Theodore. Miss Theodore has proven to be outspoken, she has lambasted Skerrit government corruption and connections to international criminals and so we expect her to come out and either confirm or deny that there is an alleged passport selling arrangement between her and Dominica’s Attorney General Levi Peter.

Just a little bit of caution – Remember how we produced evidence of Mehul Choksi at the Cabrits Terminal? Like the great anti-corruption activist Trevor Johnson would say- We warning All you

The Citizenship By Investment Program plays a significant role within the Dominican economy. In fact over the last 20 years the Dominica government has created a miasmatic mono economy, one with an overreliance on the revenues generated from the sale of passports under the CBI program. Failing and unable to create a diversified economy the Prime Minister has publicly admitted that, the CBI program is the only option. He has said –“if not CBI then what? “

 Rebecca Theodore was right then; there need to be an urgent dialogue on security, shared values and another way forward for Dominica’s economy. Since she seems quiet lately we also wonder whether the self-professed journalist still share the popular belief that Dominica’s CBI program is just a Trojan horse for money laundering,raging government corruption and economic slavery.

 On matters of style, materialism, greed some swim with the current, on matters of principle we at MiTC will forever stand like that rock in the ocean.

May we never forget the dilemma that the former Attorney General Bernard Wiltshire had to endure?  He was accused and persecuted by the current Skerrit administration for selling passports. SMH

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